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  1. P

    Have you ever called in a tip?

    When I ask this, I mean called either a hotline or 911 and gave some information either with your name or anonymously? Were you asked your name? Did you give it? What was the information? Did you feel awkward? What was your reasoning? Was it to simply help out, or was there a cash reward? Did...
  2. P

    Why do you make yourself a cop?

    I'll take a stab at this, not being an officer myself. I think that many have had relatives or friends that were officers. If not that, they might have grown up seeing bad things happen, and injustices. They might feel that they can make a difference. All in all, it is just a job, like anyone...
  3. P

    Most annoying thing about the job?

    I can about imagine that the endless excuses would be one of the most annoying issues. I person is going to try and make their life sound more important than all else. An example might be someone who was pulled over for speeding is going to say they were late getting to work. They aren't taking...
  4. P

    What do you consider excessive force?

    I agree that if an officer roughs a person up unnecessarily, that person will clearly have animosity. They are going to tell others, and combined with their own experience, it leads to hate for police authority. I am not saying that there aren't justified times that police must get rough, and I...
  5. P

    What should happen to people who attack our senior citizens?

    I don't know what actually does happen. Sometimes when a crime committed against a young child happens, the younger they are, the stiffer the sentence. This woman looks like she was beat within an inch of her life. The sentence was probably based on the severity of the beating, and not her age...
  6. P

    Do you believe your local police earn their paychecks?

    Thanks for the answers. Police officers, like most civil servants, are on the low end of the pay scale. For the amount of training they receive, they are actually paid pretty well. I went to school for four years. I have a BA in psychology and human services. Starting out, I cannot make more...
  7. P

    Pulling a gun on people -- what was that rumor? Or that law?

    I doubt this is a law within America. With the huge amount of gun violence we have here, if that law was followed, it could be a death sentence for the officer. Even if that was a law, and I was a cop, there is no way I would abide it. If my instinct told me my life might be in danger, even if I...
  8. P

    Filing a complaint on an officer

    I thank you for your detailed response. As others in this thread have said, I question how much actually gets done when it is another officer doing the investigation? It is hard for me to believe that even a supervisor is so impartial to their own people. A lot of these officers are buddies...
  9. P

    Why does the Sheriff's Department charge you for gas when they serve you a paper?

    I haven't spent much time in jail, but I have heard from other people that they were charged by the day, not the whole month. I believe it was $20.00 a day! Yes, it is was county jail, not prison. Prison is the opposite in fact, you can make money (if not paltry amounts) at jobs. Obviously...
  10. P

    Do you believe your local police earn their paychecks?

    What I mean by this is, do you think there is enough activity in your town to condone your local officers' paychecks? Do you think they do an adequate job, or are they slacking? My town is big enough (10,000) to keep the police busy at times (the local blotter always seems full), but as I have...
  11. P

    What is the best part of your shift?

    I imagine that an officer's job can be very trying. I am sure all the paperwork after going through all the physical work is barely tolerable. But what part of the shift is good, or even pleasant? Is it when you help someone who truly needs it, like an elderly person or a child? Is it when you...
  12. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    Thank you for the post. I am trying to understand your point. Is it that inmates get what they deserve because they continue to break the law inside the prison? I feel it would be pretty hard to be completely law-abiding, and not risk your own neck. For example, if someone wanted drugs, and told...
  13. P

    What do you fear?

    I am not an officer either, but if I was to guess, I would think one fear would be of making the wrong choice. Officers likely have to think on their feet often. A wrong choice could get someone hurt or killed. Another fear would be to decide whether deadly force was necessary. If they kill...
  14. P

    Any habits that you'd like to give up before 2015?

    Yes, I have many things I would like to change in the new year. I would like to lose weight. I would like to exercise more. I want to eat healthier. I do all these things on occasion, but not regularly enough to truly help my health. I would like to start new friendships, because most of my old...
  15. P

    Will you retire as an officer?

    I was just wondering if you are an officer, or considering on being one, will you do the job for life? Why or why not? If I was ever considering being a policeman, I would do it for a few years, but I think the job would be too depressing to do it for life. Police see the dark side of humanity...
  16. P

    Have/would you call out an officer with a bad attitude?

    I read an article one, written by an officer. He said that he knows everyone is a little apprehensive when pulled over, and even as an officer, being pulled over in another town made him a little nervous, although he knew he had no reason to be. He also stated that officers approaching cars are...
  17. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    I am well-aware of the prison in Arizona. It has been on TV many times. I would not consider those living conditions cruel, as long as people didn't get sick from being outside all the time. I understand what you are saying about repeat offenders, but that's not really the point to my thread. If...
  18. P

    Filing a complaint on an officer

    Years ago I had an issue with an officer that followed my friend and I for a very long time, pulled us over on the edge of town, gave him a breathalyzer, and although he passed, told him to go home anyway. I asked him how he can tell him to do that, and he gave me a dirty look and told me to...
  19. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    I thought the United States was civilized, Patty? I thought we didn't allow cruel and unusual punishments. What someone did to end up in prison has no (or should have no) bearing on the way they are treated in prison. The time you get and the security level of the facility you are put into are...
  20. P

    Should we cry for perpetrators who are beaten in custody?

    No. Cops are not judge, jury, and executioners. Their job is to protect and serve. What part of protecting or serving comes into play, once they have a dangerous person in custody, and they beat him until he deformed? A few years back a young man was in court and he stole an officer's gun, shot...