What do you fear?


Well-Known Member
I have never been a police officer, but I am well aware of the dangers that cops face everyday when they put on their uniforms and report for duty. In today's society, there are many things that can make a cop fearful; gun shots, mentally ill people, and even those who try and sabatage the work of the police just so they can get a good video to post on You Tube. What is your biggest fear as a police officer?
I am not an officer either, but if I was to guess, I would think one fear would be of making the wrong choice. Officers likely have to think on their feet often. A wrong choice could get someone hurt or killed. Another fear would be to decide whether deadly force was necessary. If they kill someone that is bad enough, it will be something that will haunt them for life, but if it is not justified, they could find themselves wearing a number.
I think that if I were a police office, I would definitely be afraid of making a mistake that I wouldn't be able to come back from (mainly shooting someone that was defenseless, or just the wrong guy straight up). I think this is a fear that cops face constantly today, and it know it's a mistake that no cop wants to make.
That would be my biggest fear too. I could not imagine having to have to make the choice to shoot someone. I am not sure that I could even if I were in danger. It takes a brave person to make that choice.