Should we cry for perpetrators who are beaten in custody?


Well-Known Member
This is a common practice around the world. Police use these scum bags as punching bags, but is it right?
Regardless of the heinous nature of the crime the accused has been arrested for?


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I think this is a touchy subject. I would not shed one tear for the person or persons who are responsible for killing a friend who was leaving a pizza place and was caught in the middle of gunfire. On the other hand I have seen the results of what happened to a friend who was unjustly rough handled over a traffic infraction by an officer with a history of using excessive force and who had been not only reprimanded in the past but also sued. Bottom line, I don't think it is acceptable even if a heinous crime has been committed because it gives the general public lack of trust in and a negative opinion of Officers and the thought that we should all just take matters into our own hands. I think it also makes those who may need police assistance hesitant to call or ask for help.
No one has the right to be judge, jury, and executioner, NO ONE! For some reason, things like this tend to happen and people seem to think it's justified. I wouldn't say that we should cry, but I don't think the police themselves should be doing the beating. That's clearly an abuse of power. How come they can't practice on a punching bag (a literal punching bag)?
It's not that easy to answer this question because sometimes their rights are being violated and sometimes they attempt to assault the police. Either way it just leaves the perpetrator with more hatred and bitterness toward law enforcement or people in authority.
It is not a policeman's job to take justice into his own hands.
Considering that many innocent people are taken into custody and many people are arrested for many minuscule deeds, yes we should cry for those beaten in police custody. An innocent woman should not be beaten to the point where she is bleeding and bruised, nor should a man be beaten so harshly over something as minor as stealing a $15 CD.
The point of custody is simply to detain a suspect. Only the courthouse decides whether someone is guilty and what punishment they receive. There is no excuse for anyone being beaten in custody. Even in cases where an individual poses a threat towards officers, there are other methods of subduing someone and I have to wonder how someone would come to the conclusion that it's a good idea to beat someone up.
Police brutality never can be justified. Innocent people have been arrested for the wrong reasons in the past and have suffered in the hands of policemen who thought they had the right to beat them up. People have died, the murders covered up. So no, beating a suspect in custody is not right. However if someone is caught in the act of committing a crime [say they are beating up someone for example] they should get a taste of their own medicine.
I think it is really sad that some people are beaten in custody and they have such a horrible time. I do believe that one should try and not think about how best they can behave with the prisoners than just torturing. These things are too dreadful to hear.
I do not think that anyone who should really beat the perpetrators who are in custody if you are the law. You are suppose to lead by example and show that you are better than the scumbag. Though I could understand the victims families having some sort of grief for his or her loved ones. It is hard when you see someone innocent get hurt but as far as the crooks it is not likely that folks would feel bad seeing them get pummeled while in custody.
Two wrongs do not make it right; I do not think that they should become punching bags. They should be rehabilitated so that they can know the error of their ways. Some of these criminals became that way because someone responsible did not take time to teach them right from wrong.
It's pretty damn sad that people get beaten up like this, their faces being disfigured as a result. It's something that I don't like to see, but I guess it just happens; there's not a proper way to stop it.
It's not right because your innocent until proven guilty, it is wrong to false accuse someone without all the facts and a just trial, beating up these scum bags as you put it is not right in my opinion, not without proof that they even did it.
No. Cops are not judge, jury, and executioners. Their job is to protect and serve. What part of protecting or serving comes into play, once they have a dangerous person in custody, and they beat him until he deformed? A few years back a young man was in court and he stole an officer's gun, shot him fatally, and fled. He was apprehended very quickly, and the next time he showed up to court he was beaten so bad his entire face (including his forehead) was completely swollen. They put a cone-like thing on his face, supposedly so he didn't spit, but the general consensus was that they were trying to hide what they had done to him, out of revenge.
Tricky one. Sometimes a felon can be high on drugs which doubles their strength. It also alters their mental state. In such cases the police officers have to contain the prisoner which can result in bruising or even broken bones. In this instance I believe the police have to protect themselves. HOWEVER I agree with Litolawless's post about the police not being judge, jury or executioner.
Police officers should use focus on arresting somebody. If you don't have to beat somebody up to arrest somebody, then you should let the courts decide his actions.
I think people in law enforcement should be taking the higher moral ground and shouldn't do anything of the sort. They are there to uphold the law and not to be as low as the low-life they are looking after. That's my view. Incidentally, the picture you have on the left is actually of a guy beaten up by the father of a boy that was being sexually assaulted by him in his home. The guy was a neighbor.
I don't think they should be beaten like that, I mean, what's the point? That's not a part of the punishment and it's against the law...
I'd be more concerned about the type of person who would do something like that. It would depend on the crime I guess (rape, child molestation etc).. but a cop sees crime very differently than I do and I still don't think it should be a cop to treat them like that. It just makes them look more barbaric and people like that shouldn't have our lives in their hands.
I don't think it's right for criminals to be beaten up, that's not justice. On the other hand we are just humans right, so sometimes depending on the situation we might lose it.
Firstly, I think that it is important that people understand what being behind bars is actually about. Usually, it is hoped that people can be rehabilitated, at least to a certain extent, and this should mean at some point they were able to come back into society and be members who contribute fully.

However, there are some people who have committed horrible crimes, and a small part of me cannot stop myself from thinking "they deserved that". But then, I remember that they are serving their time behind bars, and it is not up to the other people who are also in prison to serve the justice that people seem to be seeking. It is a difficult situation, and I could never bring myself to celebrate violence behind bars. But at the same time, I know that I wouldn't be crying real tears for them, either.