Any habits that you'd like to give up before 2015?


Well-Known Member
Are there any habits that you'd like to leave behind as you enter 2015. Not necessarily vices but anything ranging from drinking too much to lazying in the house more often. Anything?
I think I would try not to spend much time on using computer, because I am using it too much. Since I am a student, I should focus more on studying rather than playing using or computer. And I hope that helps improve my grade.
Happy new year, everyone!!
Nothing much. I would like to really cut tobacco completely from my life. I am down to smoking approx. 1 cigarette a day but to just be free from it would be amazing. There is nothing really holding me down just the casualness of it. I think I could quit that last smoke cold turkey no problem so it will be my goal :)
I have been more or less gluten free for about a year, and trying to keep my sugar intake way, way down. I am planning to cut chocolate this year to eliminate most of the reasons I would have to indulge in added sugar. I know chocolate is not good for me, it might have anti-oxidants, but I have observed some really bad side effects it has for me, so I really want to give up eating it in any amount.
I have a habit of brushing people off and not giving it a second thought. In 2015 I plan on being more attentive to what's going on around me, being more confident, and just overall loving life. I think giving people the benefit of the doubt from time to time will also help as well.
Probably drink a little less beer on weekends and do more productive things instead of watching football and sleeping. :)
Yes, I have a very difficult heart that gets in the way. I am asking God to create for me a different kind of heart this New Year. I have refused to accept help from important people in my life in the past. I have ignored good people who do not deserve it. I am changing who I am to become the best version possible. Please wish me luck.
I'd like to give up procrastination. Or rather, I'd like to be more proactive. The success or failure of this year is really going to be down to me making more of an effort in a number of areas of life. At least I've got the right intentions at the moment.
I quit smoking on January 1st. I've been using an ecig instead and can already feel the benefits to my health and my wallet. Hopefully this time is for good!
I eat a lot of junk foods and I believe that it is really not healthy for our health. Hence I would like to give up that habit. I believe it will also be good if I try and start doing some exercsie for good health.
I wanna give up on the time i spend on my mobile txting frds..I really want to cut down on that,for it is proving to be a major hindrance in my work.I can't all of a sudden avoid them,but over the due course of time i better do it.
I have a habit of brushing people off and not giving it a second thought. In 2015 I plan on being more attentive to what's going on around me, being more confident, and just overall loving life. I think giving people the benefit of the doubt from time to time will also help as well.

This is very much the opposite of mine! I want to loss the habit of having second thoughts and feeling guilty after brushing people off. I want to be less attentive to those who are just sucking up time needlessly and stop always giving people the benefit of the doubt..over & over again!
I'd love to start eating better, but this is a continual effort and now and then I do relapse to a burger or pizza lol, but I do need to get more attention on that.
I'd like to give up picking the skin along the left side of my right index finger's nail. It may seem small and stupid but when I get nervous or bored I start to pick at it. I've had it get infected a few times which has led me to the doctor for antibiotics.
I've got a soft spot for fast food, so I'm doing my best to cut back on that. Gets me healthier, if nothing else! It's a tough slog!
Yes, I have many things I would like to change in the new year. I would like to lose weight. I would like to exercise more. I want to eat healthier. I do all these things on occasion, but not regularly enough to truly help my health. I would like to start new friendships, because most of my old friends are no longer friends or live far away.
I do believe in eating a lot of junk food as it is quite useful for me to keep me happy. But it is considered to be really bad for health and hence I would like to give up that habbit of eating junk food. I hope to have a wonderful time not eating any kind of junk food.
I quit smoking on Christmas Day and it has been one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. I really do mean that because now my lungs are going to heal and hopefully that will translate to better health. I can only imagine how much money I am going to save too. I am now a little over 2 weeks smoke free and I could not be more proud at the moment.
Same here, I want to quit smoking, but it's a hard matter, I'm still thinking about it xD But what Rosyrain was talking is truth, I should do it, for saving my health and for saving some money too, it's a expensive vice xS

Also, I want to return to the gym, or at least return to make some exercise, this christmas I had eated a lot xD