Why do you make yourself a cop?


That's it, I want to know motivations of you people have to make yourself a policeman?
Its because your sense of justice? Do you want to protect the people? For the money?Do you like the action and don't want to keep a boring job? Or for all the things at the same time?
I'm sure that every cop has his own story, and I'm a bit curious about what you guys think ^^
I'll take a stab at this, not being an officer myself. I think that many have had relatives or friends that were officers. If not that, they might have grown up seeing bad things happen, and injustices. They might feel that they can make a difference. All in all, it is just a job, like anyone else. We all need paychecks in the end.
Sure, but it is a job like any other, but it may require to sometimes put yourself into danger for defending the others and the law, and that sure needs a lot of motivation, that's why I was talking about sense of justice.

That makes sense, there are some families with a lot of cops inside. If you are proud of your people its logical to want to become into one of them.