For what it's worth, I saw a police officer on COPS with a very prominent tattoo of a knife on his forearm. I know that isn't a universally approved thing, but I think most people are getting more open-minded about it.
It's important to maintain your best eyesight, so whatever you feel most comfortable in will work the best. If you aren't comfortable with your contacts, then be sure to wear your glasses even if they're impractical.
I have anxiety issues and get stressed out easily, and I can imagine there are stressful situations that you can use a "chill out" for? Do you take anything to keep your emotions in check while dealing with the law?
I think it's a good idea, but not an end-all for everything. It would be good for concrete evidence, but there's a lot that goes into confrontations that's more subjective than what a video can show.
Our police station has an anonymous text messaging service where you can even just text concerns, which might be easier if you don't even want to physically speak to someone!
I think it's pretty sad that parents use that as a way to teach their child to be good. It's almost the same as the saying "Don't teach your children what to learn, teach them HOW to learn." But instead, don't teach your children how to be good (so they're not arrested) but WHY to be good...
I think it's best to trust. Innocent until proven guilty, right? I don't think you lose anything by trusting - even if you're wronged. Even if you're wronged, you did the right thing by believing in the better of somebody.
Of course, this is all subjective. I'm mostly speaking about trusting...
I go back and forth with this by myself so often. I mostly agree with the death penalty in the sense that the state should not have to support them with food, location, healthcare, etc. But I also don't agree that criminals should 'get off easy' by being killed and not have to suffer. I don't...
It's funny - there are two ways to look at this. One is their way of seeing everything wrong and being bothered by it. Another I saw in an interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson about what movies get wrong in science. He actually isn't bothered by things like scifi that are completely impossible...
In Illinois I'm pretty sure there's a zero tolerance. If it's open, the driver is in trouble, no matter what. I think that's how it should be honestly. No matter where you're going or where you've been, you can wait the length of the ride to drink.
Wow that's awful, I can't believe that happened. I hope something like this gets out so everyone's aware to not take something that seems small lightly.
That's really interesting, I would also like to know where the law stands on this. I think there should definitely be an extent of personal accountability - like, I wouldn't expect it to be legal to pull a knife and injure just anybody because I had a bad feeling about them. But if there is...