Should I wear glasses or contacts?


I was wondering what some of officers do about their eyesight. I was wondering when I become a police officer should I wear glasses or contacts? I think wearing glasses are going to be too much of a hassle.
I think it's obvious that glasses will not be a good choice. You said yourself that glasses will be much of a hassle. I believe that you don't want to worry if your glasses will fall or might break. Even if you have a good sense of fashion and can choose a design that will look good into you, glasses tend to make you look old or like a nerd. Contact lenses on the other hand, if the color will be chosen appropriately, will make you look real good.
I don't think it's a matter of looks, but practicality.

I'd definitely go with the contacts. You won't have to worry about them falling off at an inopportune time, or obstructing your vision with smudges or debris. Especially when the weather is nasty. Also, it might be safer in an altercation.

I'd maybe keep a backup pair of glasses in your cruiser in case you lose a lens or it rips or something.
Honestly, if you feel as though you could be comfortable with contact lenses in, it is much better idea. If you have to use any kind of physical force against somebody, you run the risk of breaking your glasses and possibly injuring yourself if the broken glass harms you. If you have broken your glasses, you are then at a disadvantage because you may not be able to see everything that you need to, and might no longer be able to drive. So ultimately, it is certain that having contact lenses is a better idea, and would suit the job much more.
It's important to maintain your best eyesight, so whatever you feel most comfortable in will work the best. If you aren't comfortable with your contacts, then be sure to wear your glasses even if they're impractical.
I think you should wear contacts too. You don't want the glasses to get in the way. Glasses can be a hassle especially when they steam up. Whenever a room is really cold or hot, my glasses steam up. You don't want to have to deal with that when you on the job. You would be much better off with the contacts.
Wearing glasses could be a hassle cause when you're trying to catch a criminal it can fall off while running, wearing eye contacts makes it stay in place without having to worry about losing it.
Contact lenses can also be a hassle, you have to ensure that the lenses you choose are an ideal match for your eyes. There are some users who report having difficulty or uncomfortableness that goes away when switching between lens manufacturers. Just because its the most expensive lens doesnt mean its the best fit for your eyes! shop around!
You are better off wearing contacts, wearing glasses wil give you search a hard time , especially when trying to run, contacts will ease up everything for you.
I never had to wear contact lenses since my eyesight is around 20/20 without any need for glasses. I would not know if the departments allowed people to be officers of the law if they had to have contact lenses. I would imagine the stress it would bring during the police academy. I would say wearing the glasses would be more of an impairment when you are chasing a suspect.
Due to the physical nature of their work, i 'll recommend contacts as they are easy to wear and won't distract the officer in discharging his duties.Furthermore, i think they look cool.
I agree that contacts are more practical if you aren't behind a desk, but I guess that glasses can work fine as well.
I think it is always better to use contacts instead of glasses to make yourself look good. I would prefer contacts over glasses on any day. But if you really are keen on trying out some geeky glasses it is always better to use glasses.