Cop movie mistakes


Well-Known Member
My husband is retired Army, and whenever we watch a movie with any military component, he just cannot shut up about how that guy's rank is wrong, or they did this wrong, or no one would ever do that, etc. It's really no fun, because you can't even listen to the movie!

What do cop movies get wrong that get you fired up?
My husband is retired Army, and whenever we watch a movie with any military component, he just cannot shut up about how that guy's rank is wrong, or they did this wrong, or no one would ever do that, etc. It's really no fun, because you can't even listen to the movie!

What do cop movies get wrong that get you fired up?

Yes, that ca be said about most movies, regardless about the topic. Movies are movies, tell him to stop being so critical or it will never stop.
It's true, there are many mistakes in movies like that, but it is because of the fact that people just don't have enough time to do their research properly, and mistakes like this don't really impact on the movie to too great an extent. The audience can still enjoy it. I am sure that you would see a lot of errors in many job roles in films, because it needs to be made so that it fits the story and the purpose.
It's funny - there are two ways to look at this. One is their way of seeing everything wrong and being bothered by it. Another I saw in an interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson about what movies get wrong in science. He actually isn't bothered by things like scifi that are completely impossible, but what he was most bothered about was that the director of Titanic got the sky wrong. He did so much scrutiny work to make sure they had every detail exactly as it should have been on the Titanic, down to the silverware, but he didn't get the correct stars in the sky. It's kind of funny that people can look the other way for huge issues, but just the small things are what bugs them.
I think you'll find that movies in general have scenes that may not depict the normal way of life. And in some cases, the more attention you pay, the more affective the movie becomes. Because you will certainly remember scenes out of the ordinary.
This is an interesting post. My brother said that he gets frustrated when movies make it seem as if the police aren't inept in comedies. He said that none of the cops on the force with him act the way they do in comedies. I had a feeling that the police didn't act that way in real life.
I think they make the movie thinking "well, the majority of the people who are gonna watch this will not care/notice about this". They'd rather put more time in the movie production than in the details.
Of course there are the big movies where they hire special people to deal with this kind of problems.
Tell him that maybe he could go into the movie business. They obviously need fact checkers like him. I don't agree with all the negative comments! Turn the negative into a positive. As an expert in specific fields, it is really irritating when I see people in movies and TV that aren't accurate. I completely sympathize with your husband!
I think it is in his nature, finding out the wrong in the movie in general. It is best to ignore the comments and do something else to keep yourself preoccupied. I think it is always better to not watch such movies in front of your husband. What do you think about doing such a thing?