What is better, trust or not trust the people?


Well-Known Member
I ask this because sometimes we are very suspiciouswith everybody. It is true there are bad people lying, but there are many honest people in this world and Ithink that we cannot judge everyone, this is mypersonal opinion.
As far as I am concerned I will not put my full trust on someone until we have established a history together. People have the ability to disappoint you when you put your complete trust in them. Even the bible says that cursed is the man who puts his trust on another man. People will always fail you; when you know what to expect then life goes on smoothly.
I'm the opposite. I trust until given reason to not trust. What good does it do to automatically assume the worst about everybody? I don't appreciate being untrusted through no fault of my own, and I don't do it to other people.
This really is a very tough question to answer.We never can judge people on whether they are bluffing,or whether they can be trusted.I mean,you get it as you mature,you start to find the darker side of people and you start thinking in their lines,thus making you better equipped at handling them.
You can trust people as long as your conscience lets you do so.You will know it by his actions..
Better to protect yourself. Respect people but don't throw yourselves at them. Other than your parents most people are not 100% all about your well being.
I am far too trusting, it's a lesson I have learned many times over. I thin trust needs to be earned now, that's how I am trying to conduct things.
I think it's best to trust. Innocent until proven guilty, right? I don't think you lose anything by trusting - even if you're wronged. Even if you're wronged, you did the right thing by believing in the better of somebody.

Of course, this is all subjective. I'm mostly speaking about trusting someone in a personal relationship. If we're talking about safety and confronting someone who could be dangerous, I think proceeding with a cautious respect is the best way to go.
There's a certain amount of trust you have to show in people regardless of whether you want to or not. When your 40,000 feet or so in the air you have to trust that Pilot. When your scheduled for a surgical procedure, you have to trust the Doctor. I'm just saying there's some situations life will put you in where yo have no choice but to trust people.
Ideally, we should trust people. I try to use that as a motivation sometimes when there are tasks at hand that need to be done with others. I just think that people should always believe in the inherent good of others because being judgmental is never good. Still, society today is riddled with crimes and hate. What I do is I trust people to be good, but I don't trust them fully until I get to know them.
I generally give people the benefit of doubt, but from my experience of 40 years on this Earth, people are quite devious and hardly do anything except if it is for their own gain too. Never trust anybody who says, "Trust me". Actions speak louder than words.
I think it's best to trust. Innocent until proven guilty, right? I don't think you lose anything by trusting - even if you're wronged. Even if you're wronged, you did the right thing by believing in the better of somebody.

Of course, this is all subjective. I'm mostly speaking about trusting someone in a personal relationship. If we're talking about safety and confronting someone who could be dangerous, I think proceeding with a cautious respect is the best way to go.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. Your opinion is very good and I enjoyed it, because everything you say is true. We must rely on other people and try them, then we will know whether or not innocent.
I have a hard time trusting anyone who isn't family. It seems like anytime I put my trust in someone they show me why I shouldn't have. So for that reason I feel my trust issues are justified and it's better to just not trust.
At the end of the day, no matter if you think they are harsh with certain things, you have to trust the people who protect you. I get why people don't trust the police, but it all boils down to what life would be like if they weren't there. If you've seen "The Purge", how can you even think for one second that we don't need some sort of protectors of society?

They may have busted you for going a couple of miles over on the highway, and yes some may actually take advantage of their role, but for the most part, they are good people. You are going to find corruptness in any organization that you want to thoroughly search through. It all boils down to one simple fact: You would be scared to death if there wasn't a 9-1-1 readily available to help protect you if, God forbid, some heinous crime were about to be committed. I don't for one second believe any of you all would hesitate and think about a "trust" issue when you are frantically dialing 9-1-1. Leave the serious trust issues for your boyfriends/girlfriends who are with other people and won't answer your texts. :)
I give a limited amount of trust until I know someone very, very well. I do not trust easily in certain areas because I have been burned by quite a few people. I think most of trust ought to be earned rather than just given. You don't have to trust someone yet to be kind and loving to them. I would rather build trust more slowly than end up getting hurt over and over.
It depends on the person. I generally trust people, because I have no reason not to. if I'm buying something from them or expected to trust them with something important to me (family, health, education etc), I'm not so quick to give them the benefit of the doubt.. I'll need to be assured somehow. When it comes to relationships, I absolutely refuse to punish someone for something someone else did to me. It's beyond unfair.