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  1. stevesxs9

    Wife tracks Cheating Husband--Bad results

    It's understandable that the wife wanted to know if the husband was cheating, but there are better and safer ways to find out. A lot of times when you go looking for trouble you will find it waiting on you.
  2. stevesxs9

    Coffee or Tea?

    I have never cared for coffee but I've always liked hot chocolate instead. I also like tea, but not brewed too strong. My wife likes coffee and drinks it from time to time.
  3. stevesxs9

    Police Chief Shots Wife

    It doesn't really sound like an accident to me but I could be wrong. The key is to keep your family safe at all times, and it seemed like he failed to do so in this case.
  4. stevesxs9

    Would you turn a loved one in?

    If they're in enough trouble to get themselves killed, then I would turned them in being concerned that they won't be harmed. That would be the reason I would turn them in.
  5. stevesxs9

    Hello From WA

    Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm glad to hear of your interest in police work, and I'm looking forward to your interacting with the rest of the members and discussing different issues in our society.
  6. stevesxs9

    Hello From LI, NY

    Hello and welcome to the forum. Happy new year and I hope you learn a lot about the issues facing law enforcement and the public in general. Once again, welcome to the community and enjoy your stay.
  7. stevesxs9

    Wife/husband breaking the law

    It all depends on where your loyalties lie. You would hope that the spouse would do the right thing and report it, but because your dealing with affairs of the heart in many cases, people will do what's best for them instead of what's right.
  8. stevesxs9

    Should we cry for perpetrators who are beaten in custody?

    It's not that easy to answer this question because sometimes their rights are being violated and sometimes they attempt to assault the police. Either way it just leaves the perpetrator with more hatred and bitterness toward law enforcement or people in authority.
  9. stevesxs9

    Have you ever been arrested? If yes, how long has it been?

    I have never been arrested and will try everything in my power not to be. So I cannot share any kind of experience on how it was. Although I can say a few people I know have been arrested for petty things, but most were released on the same day.
  10. stevesxs9

    The Thin Blue Line

    Hello Al and welcome to the Police forum. I'm looking forward to your input on law enforcement issues and the various problems of society in general. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  11. stevesxs9

    What "minor" laws do you break?

    I've had a couple of speeding tickets over the years and a few jaywalking and fished on some private property a few times, but other than that nothing else.
  12. stevesxs9

    Great To Be Here

    Hello and welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hearing your views and interacting in the community. Have fun and enjoy your stay here.
  13. stevesxs9

    Spirituality and crime

    You make a great point, however a great deal of the civilized world has the freedom of thought and unfortunately, that leads quite a few to act out their criminal and violent thoughts. I think it starts with the state of mind and that can be changed by following Christ in my opinion.
  14. stevesxs9

    Mississippi girl burned to death

    Very gruesome and unnecessary. Whenever they are caught, they should face the same fate. obviously they have no regard for human life.
  15. stevesxs9


    Hello and welcome to the forum. It's always good to have a different view on current events and problems that the police and citizens are facing as a society today. Once again welcome to the community.
  16. stevesxs9

    The death penalty for evil crimes

    I've always thought that the punishment should fit the crime committed. Eye for an eye so to speak. The victim and their families are still haunted, years after the crime is perpetrated on them. If it's not accidental or defending your life or the life of someone, then you have no business...
  17. stevesxs9

    Have there been many officers killed in the line of duty in your town?

    I've had only one officer to be killed in the line of duty. He was patrolling the area when he surprised a robber who ended up killing the officer along with the cashier of the store.
  18. stevesxs9

    Greetings from Middle Earth!

    Hello Krisi! Welcome to the community, glad to have you aboard. I'm looking forward to your interacting in the discussions and your views on various subjects. Once again welcome and enjoy.
  19. stevesxs9

    Should we work to develop stun guns?

    I'm all for anything that will reduce the amount of unacceptable deaths we have every year and at the same time, continue to protect law enforcement officers. But I really don't know if the stun gun is the answer.
  20. stevesxs9

    Do you believe in movie kind of love?

    I think the movies thrive on that kind of love. Every now and then you might come across a movie type love story, but not often. Real life has too many variables that could interfere with having that kind of love.