Do you believe in movie kind of love?


Well-Known Member
A lot of movies these days show love as something that nobody must have experienced. An ever beautiful that cannot be expressed. Do you believe in such feelings and this kind of love?*
I didn't believe in it until I meet my girlfriend. Admittedly, it does sound like a good movie premise. Two heavily abused teenagers find joy in life with each other. One thing I would like to point out, is one hit wonders (where your first relationship is your last), in the romance industry have almost completely died out. You don't see them even in disney movies any more. I am fortunate enough to have a one hit wonder relationship with my girlfriend. I am her first serious boyfriend, and she is my first serious girlfriend. It is amazing, just like you see in the movies
No, I don't believe in that at all. I believe that you can love someone a lot but not to the point of movie kind of love. Your relationship may be like that in the beginning but it will probably never last! Just a personal opinion.
Anything can happen, I've heard of couples who've fallen for each other at first sight. Others simply marry someone they've been closed friends with for years. Love can happen in a myriad of ways, let's just leave it at that :)
A lot of movies these days show love as something that nobody must have experienced. An ever beautiful that cannot be expressed. Do you believe in such feelings and this kind of love?*

I don't believe in such feelings because in all honesty that is pure acting.The feelings we see being exhibited in movies no matter how genuine they seem are artificial and meant to hoodwink the audience to make them relate to their real life.
Maybe it works that way for some people, but in terms of how I see the world it most certainly does not. That's not to say one way is right and the other is wrong. We all simply have different experiences. I guess I just wasn't built that way.
I don't believe in that, maybe because I'm only 15 and all the relationships I've had so far were childish and not serious. Maybe when I'll find that special person I'll change my mind, but I have no way to know until then.
Seriously though, the only thing they show in movies are the new-relationship feelings and the excitement of starting a new relationship with someone. What they don't show you is the aftermath and the drama of dealing with a relationship. It's exhausting.
I think it can happen, It might not happen as often but it's possible. We all have somebody out there for us, we just need to be in the right place at the right time and magic can happen!
I think love is a small piece in a big puzzle that is life. I think the thing about movies is that they end the movie when the two people first fall in love. Life doesn't end when love starts. In fact, for many, that's when life actually begins. I do believe in the movie kind of love, I just don't believe that's where stories end.
I wouldn't necessarily say I believe in "movie love" because obviously it is not real. But I do believe that there are people out there that have experienced falling for someone or someone charming them. I think that there are people out there that have unique and exciting stories of how they met their partner. I think that this can possibly happen to an average person. I love the movie love and I think its wonderful to experience that, but the way people are these days it's almost impossible.
I think the movies thrive on that kind of love. Every now and then you might come across a movie type love story, but not often. Real life has too many variables that could interfere with having that kind of love.
I do believe but i think I am not going to be that lucky. However, it won't be matter when you find your love, because love is simple. If I can have those movie kind loves, I would I say it is happier and I am really lucky. However, if I don't, so what. To me, having your life with your partner is already the best thing in the world, it is not necessary to have those kinds of love.
Movies are a source of entertainment and they never are to be taken seriously.Fantasy world is different from real world.We can be better of framing our own love story.Also movie love never really does happen.
No. Not at all. I don't like love stories because they're very unrealistic. Though I can tolerate the ones that at least are not based on soupiness and lust. Somebody begging and pleading for love. But the ones where there's no patheticness and the man earns a woman whose not acting desperate for someone, I can tolerate and are nice to watch.
I have a good solid marriage. I think maybe Hollywood glamorizes things a bit but it is not impossible to have a relationship like those you see in the movies.
No, not at all. I could only dream of finding movie kind of love lol. It would be really nice but I have never came across it and I very highly doubt at at this point I ever will. There will always be certain struggles in relationships and I appreciate them for what they are and learn from it. To be honest, I wouldn't even want a movie type of love even if it was possible.
True love does exist in reality. Why would you question that? Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? That is the question. Seek and you too shall find.
Wow, I read the title to this thread and couldn't help but to literally laugh out loud. Of course not. Its just a story that someone wrote that WISHED could be true. I have learned love is just a state of mind. At this point I don't think its even real. How many times do you see two people claiming to be so in love, pawing at each other like animals in heat, and then 10 minutes later are arguing and hate each other and trying to do the meanest things to each other. Please, give me a break.