Should we work to develop stun guns?


Well-Known Member
Would a stun gun, like the ones on Star Trek, be useful to police in dealing with unruly perpetrators? I'm just trying to think of a way to avoid having to kill people in the name of fighting crime.
Would a stun gun, like the ones on Star Trek, be useful to police in dealing with unruly perpetrators? I'm just trying to think of a way to avoid having to kill people in the name of fighting crime.

Whatever happened to the police's self defense training? Cops don't know how to fight anymore? And a weapon has to be used? Is that it?
Whatever happened to the police's self defense training? Cops don't know how to fight anymore? And a weapon has to be used? Is that it?
Second that.Weapons are a luxury acc to me and the cops need to know the easier way to tame them..:P or take them down (without causing too much injuries).
Maybe these cops shd be taught defensive measures.
I agree, weapons should be used as a last resort, even if they just "stun" they can hurt people and that should not happen as a standard procedure.
We already have tasers, and they have been abused. I don't really see all that much difference between a taser and the stun gun.
I'm all for anything that will reduce the amount of unacceptable deaths we have every year and at the same time, continue to protect law enforcement officers. But I really don't know if the stun gun is the answer.
Definitely. Anything that replaces normal guns is fine by me. I'm still not sure as to why certain countries (the US included) are obsessed with the need to have guns.
The thing is, cops have plenty of ways to avoid killing someone. In the heat of the moment, it seems that they just think of the best way to bring the threat level down to zero. Unfortunately, many times that means taking a perps life, especially if the cop feels threatened. From my experience with cops, it seems as though they get threatened pretty easily too. I also heard that they are taught 2 in the chest and 1 in the head when immobilizing a target (don't quote me though).
If there was an actual good stun gun that didn't have serious health complications, it would be excellent. Tasers and what not are just so dangerous right now. Too many people have serious and sometimes fatal reactions to them. A stun gun like they have in star trek would be sweet.
Watch some old episodes of Star Trek. I think you'll notice a big difference between tasers and stun guns. The stun guns had adjustable levels and at maximum setting could render anyone unconscious.
Why don't cops use tranquilizers for dealing with dangerous people? I think that will do a lot more good than having to shoot somebody.
I think for all the violence that has gone on in the last couple of weeks, then stun gun would be good for cops these days, so that every time they decide to pull a gun on a suspect and try to fire nothing comes out and then they can think of other ways to come out of bad situations with suspects instead of shooting automatically. Not saying that all cops does this, but I am simply saying I think it would be a good practice.
I think it would prove more useful to have security carry stun guns rather than police. Right now we have a lot of trigger happy armed security that I think should more appropriately be carrying a non-lethal weapon. I believe there probably are some laboratories out there that are trying to develop this technology.
Most stun guns require someone to be very close to someone to effectively use it. Some policemen may be smaller in size than the criminal who can bring them down before they can use the gun on them. If that gun can shoot from a distance, then it would be very effective to paralyze a criminal for arresting purposes.
Most stun guns require someone to be very close to someone to effectively use it. Some policemen may be smaller in size than the criminal who can bring them down before they can use the gun on them. If that gun can shoot from a distance, then it would be very effective to paralyze a criminal for arresting purposes.
Then it won't be a stun gun right.Unless its in close proximity,you can't "stun" them.Also if its long range and quite similar to stun gun,i am sure it won't be as effective as the pistols they use now.
I was just going to say a taser is like a stun gun. The one that I had was a pretty powerful thing. Kind of scary. It is suppose to make them vomit and fall to the ground. I'm reading about this one now that looks like it is maybe a professional grade. It says it works up to 25 feet. It shouldn't be aimed at the heart. It makes them loose their balance and fall. Probably still makes them throw up. It is volts of electric shock. So basically they call it a taser, but in actuality it is an electroshock weapon. They started developing it in 1969, well that would explain Star Trek. They make mobile phone style tasers? I've had the taser and pepper spray. I prefer the pepper spray. I've used it. Its like using bug spray, but with a stream. The taser when you trigger it the way it feels in your hand its just intense. I thought I wouldn't have the heart to use the spray but when the time comes you find it.
It shouldn't be aimed at the heart.

From the limited experience I've had from firing a Stun Gun, they are very difficult to aim with any real accuracy. My Aunt told me to aim for center mass as it was the most reliable way to score a hit. If you are firing a weapon at someone, even a stun gun, its because they are posing a threat to other people. You're concern shouldn't be with injuring the person you are firing the weapon at but rather with protecting the others.
Agreed!! I don't know how many times I've heard of someone dying at the hands of a cop when other measures could have easily been used. And I certainly don't think someone that threatens you with fists or size deserves to die. Or someone who runs from you. Or someone who resists you. I don't care what kind of danger you're in.. unless your LIFE is in danger, you have no right to pull that gun.
With the existence of tasers, I don't think a stun gun would be useful at all. People, especially cops, can usually defend themselves already.
Yes, or some other form on non-lethal attack that is fast enough to use on a charging opponent. I think a lot of the flak that cops get as of now is due to excessive gun usage.