Have there been many officers killed in the line of duty in your town?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, police are killed on duty so often in the United States, there is a website to report it. My town of 10,000 is 160 years old. In our somewhat long history, only two police officers were ever killed on duty. One was shot and the other was accidentally hit by a car. Both happened over 50 years ago. I am grateful for the low numbers. Are the numbers low where you live (you can hit the link, and find out if you don't know).

The link:Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP).
The numbers in my specific area are certainly low since I live in a very rural area. In fact, I'm pretty sure 'our cops' are shared by a few different towns. Should we spread out the distance a bit more than just my immediate area though, there have been a few cop killings. The Eric Frein murder comes to mind first and foremost, that happened hardly any distance away from me.
From looking at the site it appears that there have been two officers killed in the county I live in this past year. I'm thinking that's probably about the norm per year, too. Looking back, I can remember several off the top of my head in years before.
I'm shocked that I don't really know how often police officers are killed in my town. I live in a fairly populated city and still don't know this. We don't have a news channel for our town, but you'd think the regional channel would have more stories on officer deaths. It seems to be an ignored subject for the most part. Stories on pop culture dominate while stories worth mention fall to the back.
I don't have access to the numbers, but I believe that it is fairly low. I am lucky to live in a more peaceful area, I have not witnessed any violent crimes where I live.
Unfortunately innocent people are killed by police officers as well. Cops take the risk of serious injury the minute they put on the uniform, it's sad either way, but all cops know this before they sign up.
None that i know off in the present year,but a couple of years back there was a armed robbery in a bank and when the cops took a chase,they took a shot at the car's wheel and it resulted in death of 3 cops and 1 of them was a beta police officer in our area.We all knew him personally and how he had slogged for us.:/
I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood so none that I know of since I moved here. But I am not 100% sure about it unless I actually go to the local station and ask.
I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood so none that I know of since I moved here. But I am not 100% sure about it unless I actually go to the local station and ask.
Thank god..because if you did know of one,their death would come as a very hard one for you.You personally see them suffer,just for you and you won't be able to digest that they are dead.
Words fail me now..for it has happened to me..
Unfortunately, police are killed on duty so often in the United States, there is a website to report it. My town of 10,000 is 160 years old. In our somewhat long history, only two police officers were ever killed on duty. One was shot and the other was accidentally hit by a car. Both happened over 50 years ago. I am grateful for the low numbers. Are the numbers low where you live (you can hit the link, and find out if you don't know).

The link:Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP).

Where i live the number of cops killed in the line of duty is marginal compared to the remote parts of the country.In the remotest regions,cops are gunned down routinely as they engage cattle rustlers to recover stolen cattle.
Unfortunately there has been 2 officers lost in the line of duty in my town. Both by car crashes by individuals who were not licensed and obviously didn't have insurance.
Nope, things are pretty tame here in Romania; officers don't do a lot of stuff, hell, many of them don't have guns on them.
I've had only one officer to be killed in the line of duty. He was patrolling the area when he surprised a robber who ended up killing the officer along with the cashier of the store.
I think in my hometown there have only been about 2 or 3 officers killed in the actual line of duty. I am happy that number is low and hoping it stays low forever!
Police work is dangerous work. No there haven't been many line of duty deaths in my town. However, cops are seriously injured all the time. When they are killed seems like the only time anyone realizes the risk they take with their own safety to protect us.
A Sheriff's deputy was killed in the next county over from me a few years ago. He was the first officer killed in the line of duty by a perpetrator in 25 years, here in Iowa. It was a huge deal. Police officers from all over the state attended his funeral. I have a friend that is from the town that it happened in. He knew the officer well. It was very hard on him and the small town from which he hailed.
I believe 3 sheriff deputies have been killed in the line-of-duty, I think two were killed in shootouts, and the other was ran over off-duty. It's sad for people to be killed like this, but they have served honorably to my community.

I wonder if this forum is just for police, or if it offers to sherrif deputies too... They are very similar, so I don't think it will bother the administrators too much.
In our area, police offficrs are not very active, in the sense they are not very much into the killing anf hence there has been not many who have been killed in the line of duty. The officers usually encounter minor theifs and not the big ones. They have much more relaxed job over here.
Thankfully, I have never heard of a cop being killed in my area. It is pretty peaceful and never heard of much stealing either. I'm thankful that my neighborhood isn't like Compton.
Thankfully, no. I live in Canada, and in one of its more peaceful cities. People here are quite friendly, and the majority of people here are very cooperative and friendly with our local police force. That being said, there have been some incidents where some officers have lost their lives in duty. It's sad, but the statistics are improving.