Woman fends off would-be rapist with frying pan


Well-Known Member
A woman in the Boston suburbs served up some rough justice to a would be rapist by striking him in the head with a frying pan. The suspect allegedly threatened the woman with a knife after luring her to his room at an Extended Stay America hotel.
This is the kind of story I like reading about. Congrats to this woman for her quick thinking even when threatened with a knife. This rapist must have gotten the surprise of his life. Now I understand why we are told not to panic when a situation occurs.
She cooked him a nice good meal of whoop a$%. I mean you cannot be rapist and think you are going to get by with a crime. Women come in arm with what they have at home so don't rape someone and think you'll get away.
I, too, enjoy reading about this type of story, because it just shows that there are times when the bad guy doesn't win. You hear things on the news far too often about people being hurt, and it is very upsetting because it can make you feel as though you might not be safe in the area that you live in, and also that you can't do anything about it, but this might not be the case at all. Everybody should be taught ways in which they can defend themselves, so that if they're ever found in a situation like this, they will know what to do.
What a woman, well done! If you ask me, a frying pan is a great defensive weapon, she managed to escape from him so what a great outcome.
Do you have a link or source for the story? That does sound interesting, and a bit humorous. I'm glad that she was able to defend herself.
Women now days are becoming more pre-cautious when around men. They always stay prepared for anything that could possibly happen while being with a man. I am glad that the woman defended herself very well.
Yeah for girl power! LOL. Seriously though, I am glad that the woman defended herself instead of just cowering and letting the man do what he wanted. This reminds me of Rapunzel in Tangled. She defended herself using a frying pan which ended up being the standard weapon for the castle soldiers in the end. :P
I'm glad she was able to fight him off. It's great that she kept him from raping her even if she had to use a frying pan to do it. I don't feel sorry for him that she had to use a pan to take care of him. He should have left her alone.
Good for her, I'm glad she was able to defend herself. This reminds me of the scene in the Disney movie Tangled where she uses a frying pan to protect herself. Maybe it is not such an uncommon tool for defense :)
This woman is a hero she fended off a attacker who could have made her just another victim. I think she used a old appliance in her kitchen that is deadly as a weapon too.
I'm very happy that the woman defended herself. That man will know better for his whole life. I really hope he gets in jail to think about what he was trying to do.
Kuddos to the lady ! It's a pretty funny story and I'm glad she was able to get away. That chump got what was coming to him. Glad the lady was able to defend herself.
That seems to be the go-to weapon of choice when it comes to fending rapists and wife-beaters off. I hope she knocked him in the balls.
A woman in the Boston suburbs served up some rough justice to a would be rapist by striking him in the head with a frying pan. The suspect allegedly threatened the woman with a knife after luring her to his room at an Extended Stay America hotel.

I like stories like this. Where the victim took care of business instead of being the next casualty.
This is a nice post to see. To often we hear of the opposite outcome where things turned out very badly. It is nice to see a story where the outcome was a good one. I'm very glad this woman was able to defend herself!
A woman in the Boston suburbs served up some rough justice to a would be rapist by striking him in the head with a frying pan. The suspect allegedly threatened the woman with a knife after luring her to his room at an Extended Stay America hotel.

With cases of violence against women especially rape being on the incline, it should be the prerogative of any woman,no matter old or young to learn some basic defensive strategies like karate as this may come in handy when confronted by a would be rapist.As much as we expect the police to protect us,they can't be everywhere at the same time hence the need to equip ourselves with some defensive skills.