Woman fends off would-be rapist with frying pan

Interesting way to defend yourself, but good on her anyway. I'm glad that she came out of that incident relatively unscathed. Rape is a heinous crime, and it saddens me to this day how there's such a stigma against reporting of these incidents.
This is one of those incidences where I believe women should be armed with a gun or some kind of weapon. Good for her for fighting the bastard off.
This reminds me of the Madea movie where the woman finally retaliates against her abusive fiance' with a pan of boiling hot grits from the stove. Madea called it "playing grit ball." I absolutely love reading about sexual predators getting what they deserve. Maybe he'll have learned his lesson and never try to attack an innocent woman again, but you never really know with those people. Good for her, though!!!