why do most people like dogs more than cats?


Active Member
I was just wondering why everytime a family talks about getting an animal, it's always a dog and not a cat? Don't people like cats? I really love cats!
People love cats, but I think they tend to go for dogs, because dogs can also act as security compared to cats, dogs will let you know when something odd is happening.
Dogs are animals that provide unconditional love, they're simple to understand, and easy to play with. Cats are more sophisticated creatures, that don't warm up so easily. Dogs are man's best friend, I've yet to hear the same about cats.
Cats expect too much love and they in short are attention whores,no offense to cats..:P
Plus a dog can double up as security animals too.Moreover,the dog will remain ever faithful unlike cats.
Cats can sense vibrations 10-15 before it can happen,but they wont let us know..Dogs will make sure we know what is going to happen..
Love them..!!!
I prefer dogs because they're generally friendlier and more fun to play with. I'm also allergic to cats.
simple dogs give unconditional love. cats are snobby prissy little things that just sleep and clean themselves all day.
I like cats more, but I think most people like dogs because they show much more appreciation, and affection to their owners. It's nice, but I don't need it.
Well, even though I love cats, dogs can be walked, they're easier to educate, more friendly and patient. Having a car is always a matter of luck as some are really wild. Hehehe. Dogs can also be used as home guards and such, so...
Dogs have been domesticated for a lot longer than cats. This gives cats that aloof and more wild nature. Dogs on the other hand see us as pack leaders in a lot of ways. Dogs have the special ability to look where we point and listen to our commands; which isn't a first in the animal kingdom but dogs were bred in such a ways as to do jobs for us. Live with us as companions. This is why dogs are mans best friend. Cats on the other hand were domesticated much later, but are still wonderful additions to the home if you happen to like them.
I grew up with both dogs, and cats. I now only have cats. I've never been in hospital or seriously hurt from any cat I've ever encountered, but what stopped me from having dogs is the bad experiences I've had throughout the years. That pack mentality can be dangerous. I've been attacked by one dog, and suddenly, the rest join in. Most cats are like, "whatever" and leave. I think what makes cats more stubborn is simply their independence, and their history as being solitary hunters. When you rely on yourself most of the time, you don't grow too dependent on others. Dogs are very possessive too, and if they view you as an alpha and they perceive threat, they will engage.
Personally, I hate cats scratching me. I think other people like dogs more because they are more active and they like that they can do stuff with the dog. Cats are more independent.
There are cat people, dog people, and people who like both equally. I like both. I have had both. I think the main thing is cats can be aloof and seem uncaring. Whereas dogs are up in your lap showering you with love 24/7. Cats are more independent and want affection when "they" want it. Dogs are happy to play almost anytime.
I think it just depends on peoples personality types to be honest. We all have different perspectives when it comes to picking pets that we'd like to own. For example, personally I would never be caught dead with a cat as my pet, because I just prefer dogs and I think a dog is a better choice for a man that does manly things, such as hunting for example.
Dogs are so adorable. They also behave in a friendly manner. These two factors are why I think most people prefer them over cats.

However, there are a few cat lovers out there who would through themselves in the streets over their feline. My ex-boyfriend and sister are two such people. Both of them mourned the death of their beloved cats in a deep way.

So cute.

I think that dogs are more friends of man, are more playful, funny, smart, help with the security of the House, help to identify things, but the cats also have its skills. Everyone with their choices.
I was just wondering why everytime a family talks about getting an animal, it's always a dog and not a cat? Don't people like cats? I really love cats!

Movies and TV shows tend to reflect the thoughts of writers along with the marketing disposition of the TV show. Of course, you did not mention whether the families you are talking about are on TV or in real life. Going with this information, I would say that it may be because of the responsibility and loyalty factor.

Hands down, although some quarters may dispute this fact, dogs are more loyal and useful than cats. They also mean more responsibility.

If you disagree, then do tell me how many police cats are there around the world? Okay, next then tell me, how many hunting cats are there that you can take with you to help you hunt?


As pets, both are equally good as companions.
I had a cat named Icez some time back; I loved her very much. My niece has a dog named Moss. The reason why most people love dogs is because they are more passionate by nature. They will run to you and lick you especially when you have been away from home. Most cats are reserved and can ignore you when you need to feel loved by your pet