why do most people like dogs more than cats?

Actually, I have been asking myself the same question for years now. I love dogs as well, but I just prefer to take care of cats. I have three rescued cats, and I love them dearly. When I started taking care of them, my relatives were freaked out. Some of cousins are still grossed out by the sight of cats. It's actually infuriating.

Anyway, I guess people react like that because they don't understand cats. Unlike dogs, they don't beg for attention. Cats are very independent.
Dogs love you unconditionally. They are attention seekers and just want to be with you. They are generally more playful and want you to play with them all the time. You can take them in car rides, to the park and go for walks with them. Cats are great but you can't take them anywhere, they are finicky and they will come to you when they are ready.
I was just wondering why everytime a family talks about getting an animal, it's always a dog and not a cat? Don't people like cats? I really love cats!

I don't know about other people but for me, cats are a little more intelligent than dogs. An example is when i try to pretend that I'm gonna try to throw food to them, dogs will always believe you will even if you don't. But cats, just try doing the same thing thrice and you will see that they might just walk away or won't respond with the same interest at all. Also, dogs are easier to tame. Cats can be really stubborn that you cannot just teach them what you want them to do. Base in my experience, I hate how cats eat our meal even before us. Dogs rarely do that.
Because Cats are boring and lazy. All they do is lay around and eat the food you buy them. If a burglar where to try to break in, you wouldn't know because the Cat wouldn't let you know. Dogs on the other hand safe you an alarm. They are also more active when it comes to doing stuff like running and playing. I just have never liked cats, but I suppose they are calming to some. Cats just don't do anything.

- protect you
- loves playing with you
- useful pets
- loyal
- they listen
- etc.


- scratches you
- lazy as hell
- doesn't listen
- etc.

As simple as that.

BTW, don't think I'm a cat hater. I personally have both a cat and a dog!
I have one dog and two cats. They are very different, I think I prefer cats overall. But, dogs are so nice and welcoming its hard not to like them, as opposed to cats all but ignoring me most of the time.
It just depends on your personality and what you grew up with. I don't like most dogs because I don't like being licked, their smell, getting jumped up on and the mess they make. Cats are a lot lower maintenance as they clean themselves and bury their own waste. I like cat personalities a lot more too, but that's just personal preference. Cats can be manipulative, and for me, that's fun because I enjoy manipulating back so we have a kind of game.
I adore dogs, but I'm never getting one again. My last dog died a couple of years ago now and it was very hard on me. My cats will be hard on me too, but dogs are like toddlers.. so reliant on you and obsessed with you, while a cat walks around all "meh" and doesn't need you until feeding time lol. I love my cats.. I will be a mess when they're gone, but I'm not volunteering to watch another dog die; my heart can't handle it.
simple dogs give unconditional love. cats are snobby prissy little things that just sleep and clean themselves all day.

Ha ha ha. Very nicely put. Dogs are ever faithful to their masters and will even die to protect their masters.
I find dogs more lovable than cats. They are a good companion at the house, good companion whenever you want to go jogging. They are more expressive and more grateful than cats and are always happy whenever they see you.
I personally preffer dogs over cats but that's just because I grew up with dogs my entire life. I never had cats and they seem cute, but I think dogs are much more friendly and lovable than cats.
Kittens are cute though, so there's that.
I am a cat person. I think I was a cat in my past life. I love cats so much, but dogs are great too. But if I were to choose what kind of animal I would like to take care of, it would be a cat.
I'm more of a cat lover because cats are more independent and easier to take care of. Dogs you need to wash and pick up their poop, plus they smell when they are wet. It's nice taking a dog out for a walk, but they are a big responsibility and you can't decide to stay over at a friends or take a weekend away without thinking about someone to take care of a dog.
I used to love cats, but now I hate them with a passion. They are the worst pets ever! You can't teach them any tricks, they aren't faithful, and they don't really love you. Meanwhile, dogs can learn a plethora of tricks, and they love you unconditionally.
I do love pussies..more than bitches..They are furry..
Oh wait..i mean cats..than dogs..:P
No offence though.Just joking.
I personally love my cat more than any dog I have ever had because she is much easier to take care of. You have to walk dogs and always give them attention, whereas cats pretty much fend for themselves and come to you when they want attention. Maybe some people just have those personalities in which they always have to be taking care of something.
I think more people like dogs because of size and protecting. Dogs can get really big cats can't. Also dogs are generally used for protection that is why my people prefer a watch dog.
I love cats. Dogs are just too much work and need to be taking care of like a baby. A cat does his own thing and can survive without humans. Dogs are annoying as hell with all that barking and moaning. Cats rule, dogs drool.
Cat lady over here! Like others, I appreciate their independence and mostly easy care. Even after having worked at an animal sanctuary for the past six months and having to deal with some pretty disgusting messes, I’d rather do that than walk dogs, to be honest. I don’t dislike dogs, I rather like some of them in fact, but I just prefer them in small doses.
Cats are creepy. Especially black ones. Heard of the superstition that seeing a black cat in the morning is bad luck? Now if you had one as a pet and you saw it each morning [you just must] it means you'll be a magnet for . . . bad luck?

Well while I don't believe such superstitions, I like dogs more because unlike cats they aren't that "aloof."