What happens to pedophiles, sex offenders and child molestors in prison?


Well-Known Member
One of my ex's was arrested, tried and convicted of several accounts of sex abuse. He's serving 30 years in prison along with his wife and the babysitter they hired. I'm sure you read about it in the papers. I knew him a long time ago before any of this happened.

Anyway, I heard that convicts tend to give them rough treatment if they end up in prison. Is that true? Is it bad to hope that he gets bad treatment?

Parents, nanny charged for sexual abuse of their children | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona
I can tell you, I have first hand knowledge that the are beaten, raped, and even killed. It does depend on the prison they are sent to though. Some prisons segregate them. Keep in mind that MANY criminals were abused in some way--- whether sexually or physically beaten. They do not take kindly to child abusers. Murders and rapists are accepted before them. It only took 2 years for the prisoners to kill Jeffrey Dahmer. Supposedly they showed a documentary on him and the prisoners got riled up when they realized he had a 14 yr old boy whom he drugged in his home. The boy was naked and escaped. The police thought the boy was drunk and dahmer pretended to be his care giver. The police returned the boy to dahmer, then he killed the boy. This story played in the prison.. then dahmer was killed. How true that is, i dont know.
I'm pretty sure that they have a very rough time, they are probably at the bottom of the prison hierarchy.
I think that some of this is just wishful thinking and propaganda. My father spends about 4-8 months a year in jail, due to various crimes, and he told us that they don't exactly announce what your crimes are, and if it wasn't high profile, then inmates are not typically going to know who you are or what you did. Some places segregate, and that puts a target on them by simply being in that population, but truthfully, nothing stops an inmate from lying to another inmate about their crimes.
It is just disgusting what he did. It still baffles me that at some point in my life I wanted to be with this sick, twisted asshole. I knew years after we broke up he was not right in the head. His wife kept asking me to join them in a threesome and everything. (Sorry TMI) I have nothing but remorse for those people and I know it sounds morbid, but I sincerely hope they're getting the shit beat out of them.
One of my ex's was arrested, tried and convicted of several accounts of sex abuse. He's serving 30 years in prison along with his wife and the babysitter they hired. I'm sure you read about it in the papers. I knew him a long time ago before any of this happened.

Anyway, I heard that convicts tend to give them rough treatment if they end up in prison. Is that true? Is it bad to hope that he gets bad treatment?

Parents, nanny charged for sexual abuse of their children | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona

So we've heard. As there's plenty of movies like Short Eyes, that portrays pedophiles getting jacked up by inmates for being a pedophile. Though I don't know if that's really true or not. For one thing, teenage boys are commonly raped in prison by adult age males, a common practice associated with rep and respect, which would make the rapist a pedophile and defeat the whole idea behind Short Eyes.
I know that they are not respected, so most likely they become abused by other prisoners, it's an awful world in there I can only imagine.
It really depends on the state, the crime and how long they are sentenced to. States like NJ put them in a prison with like criminals. NJ calls it the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center. Many prisons put them into protective custody. Typically if it is a what is considered a capital offense they will most likely end up in general population in which case they will be abused themselves. In most medium to maximum prisons, if you are asked to see your sheet you show it. You cannot hide what your crime is for long, people on the outside can look up what you did if you don't want to show the sheet.
I don't know for sure, but I hear the same things as you. Convicts tend to treat those kind of people as worthless scum and get real rough with them in prison. After all, they have family too and it could have been one of there's and even criminals have morals. Apparently, molesters, rapist, and the like are worse than even hardened killers.
Seriously speaking, does anyone feel safe knowing that we have this class of person living next to us? I would not!
Seriously speaking, does anyone feel safe knowing that we have this class of person living next to us? I would not!

Not too long ago, the State released a registered "child" sex offender and put him in a house a block away from an elementary school. He was convicted of raping a 12 year old and they're putting him in a house near a school. What the hell is wrong with my state? And why is my city the dumping ground for their garbage! Ugh!
I don't know for sure, but I hear the same things as you. Convicts tend to treat those kind of people as worthless scum and get real rough with them in prison. After all, they have family too and it could have been one of there's and even criminals have morals. Apparently, molesters, rapist, and the like are worse than even hardened killers.

I don't think that the average person has any idea how many pedophiles are abound and all around us. So the one we know about next door has nothing to do with the others we have yet to discover.
They usually go through a hard time, some of them end up in segregation, because their lifes end up being at risk, but if you ask me, I would say such offenders do deserve it.
How would any of them even know what the other prisoners did unless they announce it themselves or it's high enough profile to make it to the prison grapevine? I know of one high profile that was sent to a prison in my home town and he was in PC. He, unfortunately, will never truly suffer for what he did, other than the boredom he now feels. But I would love to know for sure..
In my country, these offenders are kept on segregated wings, separate from other inmates. This is for their own protection. I'm not sure how I feel about this, a part of me thinks they shouldn't be given any special treatment but then again, I understand that the Prison Service has a duty of care towards all inmates, regardless of thier crime.

I imagine that the rapists, paedos and sex offenders are quite happy being housed together...
As I learned from Orange is the New Black, you're not really supposed to tell the other inmates why you're in prison. I would think that if the other inmates found out that a person was a child molestor or a rapist or something like that, they would probably do some unspeakable things to that person, especially if the inmates have kids of their own.
I'm guessing they will get tagged as rapists around the prison and will most likely be treated like shit. I heard they beat them up a lot in there, and I even heard of a few rapists that were beaten to death.
I believe that if the general population finds out that there is a child rapist in their midst, they get pretty angry. I know that sexual assault and beatings are not uncommon.
It is just disgusting what he did. It still baffles me that at some point in my life I wanted to be with this sick, twisted asshole. I knew years after we broke up he was not right in the head. His wife kept asking me to join them in a threesome and everything. (Sorry TMI) I have nothing but remorse for those people and I know it sounds morbid, but I sincerely hope they're getting the shit beat out of them.

Sounds like you are very lucky that relationship did not work out! Many times the prisons will segregate the sex offender inmates because they enter prison with a target on their backs. The child molesters are even looked at as trash in the prison system.
I would think that if the prison would try to keep them separate from the rest of the population but I know that doesn't always happens so sometimes they have to pay the consequences.