What happens to pedophiles, sex offenders and child molestors in prison?

From what I've heard is that the inmates don't like child molesters. If they find out about your rap sheet and you're a pedophile, you're in for trouble. Some get beat up while others get extorted or raped, themselves. Either way you might not make it out in one piece.
It is true that some of the prisoners are treated very badly
You cannot expect to get a very good treatment at the place like prison. Most of the prison are very rough and definitely do not act really well.
There was this one man who raped a little girl and killed her. When he was jailed, the prisoners sliced open his belly with a broken bottle then used his intestines to hang him. A rather barbaric execution if you ask me but he obviously since he'd killed that little kid, he didn't deserve to live. I also heard of another man who had also raped a little girl. He was raped by his fellow prisoners then stabbed more than 10 times.

Pedos and the like I believe get to pay for their crimes in kind when they're in prison.
Sorry if this might offend you, but I'll just be honest, I think he deserves what he's been going through now. He has sexually abused other people and the trauma he inflicted to those people will never fade away.
From what I hear they do get a rough time in prison and often have to kept apart from the general population. Even in the criminal world it is considered the worst crime as many prisoners do have children. I guess it depends on the jail itself, but besides rehab, the prisoner may prefer to be in a psych ward as it would be safer for them.