SHould Women Be Armed?


Well-Known Member
Do you think it's better for women to be armed in order to feel safe? Not necessarily with just guns, but a knife, pepper spray, etc. I don't carry any of those things around, but sometimes I will grip on to my key chain. I have it in my hand, ready to whip it at someone if they try to grab me.
I think it is perfectly reasonable, and a good precaution to carry some non-lethal self-defense, like pepper spray or a taser. Not just for women, but for men as well, if you are travelling into neighbourhoods with a high incidence of crime.
I don't see why not. As long as they have undergone proper training and evaluations, of course women should be able to arm themselves. However, everyone should be responsible for their own weapons as they could be lethal or cause permanent injury.
Yes I do believe that women should be armed, like you say, not neccessarily with guns or knives, I always have something in my hand that could help me fight off someone, when taking a long walk, I tend to carry a stone in my hand, that way I can smash my attackers nose.
My close friend is a part of a NGo by the name Survival Instincts.They often stress that women should be armed but it needn't be any ammo of sorts.If they can know some martial arts it shd suffice actually.
Do you think it's better for women to be armed in order to feel safe? Not necessarily with just guns, but a knife, pepper spray, etc. I don't carry any of those things around, but sometimes I will grip on to my key chain. I have it in my hand, ready to whip it at someone if they try to grab me.
I don't think it's a good idea for women to be armed as that could result in cases of violence escalating. If they were to be armed, then any minor scuffle could result in a confrontation and yet it could sorted out amicably.
Maybe not during the day, or while with friends or in safe areas, but women dressing up for parties and walking alone in the middle of the night should definitely be armed, not with something that could do serious damage, but with enough that could make a raping bastard stop when she uses it. Maybe a pepper spray can (I'm not sure how potent those are) or a taser.
It is a sad thing that women are so venerable physically. Arming them will not make a big difference because men are physically stronger. They can use the weapon a woman is carrying to injure her more severely. I think that it is a woman’s decision to carry some sort of weapon if it makes her feel safer. It is also very important for every woman to be vigilant and listen to her gut feeling.
I don't think that should be a difference between women and men regarding being armed, just the professionals should be armed IMO.
I suppose the risk is higher in urban settings, but the potential to be attacked is everywhere. I would say it is based on the individual's feelings on their safety. Keys are a good weapon to use that is "not a weapon". But I am not sure everyone could make use of every day items efficiently.
I think it is always a good idea to let the women be armed so that they can take care of themselves. It is really the only way they can protect themselves. I hope in future people encourage women to be armed.*
Any healthy individual in society who feels menaced to the point where they fear for there lives should be give the option to legally defend themselves. That doesn't give them the right to kill or instigate situations. These people should be cleared by a psychologist before they are simply granted the okay to carry a lethal weapon, but all else being equal we all deserve to be safe in our person.
Why just women? Everyone should be armed since criminals especially when they operate as a group/gang can target anybody. Best thing to do is to keep away from places which aren't safe, take a taxi home if you are late from work, etc. You can be armed but still be overpowered by a criminal so being armed doesn't guarantee that you'll be safe.
That's funny sometimes I do that too with the key. I was robbed in front of a condo that I rented. Two kids took my bag and it had valuables in it. I carried pepper spray after that every where i went. Later on a neighbor had given me a tazar. This was a seriously powerful little gadget. It was kind of startling to even test it. A hand gun is a little much but I like the pepper spray. I actually had to use it once. It's quite effective. I need to get another one. I believe you have to register even the pepper spray.
Stay away from a place that isn't safe. This is not always how it works. When I got robbed it was on my own front doorstep in a very safe area that was expensive to live. They came up from an unsafe area looking for someone to do this to. I have been in neighborhoods where it was clearly not so great, but felt completely safe. It can happen anywhere. I think it's more of trying to be constantly aware.
I think a woman should be armed with something to protect herself. Now I'm not saying there won't be times when someone will overreact, but in the long run I think It's best for all women to have protection.
I think that all women should be encouraged to be armed. I have my concealed carry license and carry my trusty Glock 19 every time I set foot out of the house. I also carry a pocket knife with me everywhere I go.
Do you think it's better for women to be armed in order to feel safe? Not necessarily with just guns, but a knife, pepper spray, etc. I don't carry any of those things around, but sometimes I will grip on to my key chain. I have it in my hand, ready to whip it at someone if they try to grab me.

I'm definitely all for being armed with pepper spray. And being ready at all times to hit some soft spots like the eyeballs with your keys, a heavy blow to the nose with a blunt instrument or at least your fist, and a good stomp between the legs.
Well yes I do, but a weapon is not always the beast thing. For one, they have to know how to use the weapon, and second they can't have any fear to us it. I know women who carry weapons but have a fear of using them.
I don't put myself in situations where I don't feel safe. I realize that sometimes people have to be in places that they wouldn't choose to be in if they didn't have to, though. And I also know that even though I feel safe, I go places and do things that people I know don't think I'm safe going or doing. That's just me, and I don't feel any particular need to be armed.
Other women do, though. And if a woman chooses to be armed then that is her right as a citizen in this country. There is no way I would ever want to see that right removed. The threat of removal of that right might be the only thing that would make me decide that I needed to be armed.