I agree. There can never be too many guns (or other weapons) in the hands of GOOD citizens, because there will never be enough law enforcement to protect each and every one of us. Criminals have guns, will get more guns, and have no intention of giving up their guns. They use their guns and other weapons to harm others, and the only thing that stops them is law enforcement, or good guys with guns. Gun control only controls legal guns. Gangs don't go to the store and purchase their guns. They would be turned down, because most of them have criminal records, and aren't allowed to own guns. They don't come out of prison and think to themselves, o.k., I'm not allowed to have guns, associate with others with guns, or hang out with other felons, so I'll turn my life around, join a church, get a real job, and be a pillar of the community. Their minds don't work that way, and they have no respect for the average Joe or Jane who gets up and goes to work every day to pay their bills and support their families. They look upon those law-abiding citizens as suckers, and are constantly looking for ways to victimize them. In this case, the criminal's plan went awry, and he won't live to anyone else. It could just as easily have gone the other way, if the manager didn't have a gun, and hadn't been able to think and react quickly.