No Victim Here

Sounds as if there are way too many guns in Texas. It does appear everyone expects others to have guns or to be attacked. I can't say it sounds like a nice scenario, but anything to do with cash is always risky.
I'm not sure whether to agree or disagree with the outcome or pretty much blame the fact that people with guns walk too freely in the streets. Anyone with half a brain allowed to carry a gun will often forget that others too has guns in that place and allow the confidence it makes them feel cloud their judgement.
Another one of those gun stories where they plot their own death.This fellow was an imbecile a kind of itself.
Imagining the sequence of events i can only laugh hard at this.I was laughing my ass off when the bafflement he would have had when he was shown the gun at.
More like a movie story,the 90's though :P
There can NEVER be too many guns in Texas, or anywhere with a criminal element. The guy was really stupid, and he got exactly what he deserved! Ten-gallon hats off to the manager!
I find it hard to sympathise with the would be robber, because had he got the chance, he would have taken out that store manager! I bet he never saw that one coming. You live by the sword, you die by the sword comes to mind.
I think that the store owner, with a gun pointed to his head, felt he had no choice but to shoot the robber but four shots? If the first shot had debilitated the man, why shoot not twice but three more times? Self defense it was - but it was far too extreme. Not that I pity criminals, I just feel that when you have the advantage, killing them isn't the right choice.
I think that the store owner, with a gun pointed to his head, felt he had no choice but to shoot the robber but four shots? If the first shot had debilitated the man, why shoot not twice but three more times? Self defense it was - but it was far too extreme. Not that I pity criminals, I just feel that when you have the advantage, killing them isn't the right choice.
Ahhh..i didn't think of this at all.
Valid point because immobilizing them should suffice in case you exercise self defense.This case maybe he panicked and shot him more than wat was required.We do shit things when we panic and we know it.
I agree. There can never be too many guns (or other weapons) in the hands of GOOD citizens, because there will never be enough law enforcement to protect each and every one of us. Criminals have guns, will get more guns, and have no intention of giving up their guns. They use their guns and other weapons to harm others, and the only thing that stops them is law enforcement, or good guys with guns. Gun control only controls legal guns. Gangs don't go to the store and purchase their guns. They would be turned down, because most of them have criminal records, and aren't allowed to own guns. They don't come out of prison and think to themselves, o.k., I'm not allowed to have guns, associate with others with guns, or hang out with other felons, so I'll turn my life around, join a church, get a real job, and be a pillar of the community. Their minds don't work that way, and they have no respect for the average Joe or Jane who gets up and goes to work every day to pay their bills and support their families. They look upon those law-abiding citizens as suckers, and are constantly looking for ways to victimize them. In this case, the criminal's plan went awry, and he won't live to anyone else. It could just as easily have gone the other way, if the manager didn't have a gun, and hadn't been able to think and react quickly.
You and @RingoBerry have contrasting option but in a way it is both linked up because had either one missed,the other would have lost his life.We can't debate though on that,since perceptions obviously differ.
If I had a weapon pointed at me, any weapon, and I had a gun, I would just shoot! I don't think I would take time to calculate whether or not I could fire off one shot and stop the guy! I would probably go into survival mode. How can you possibly have the presence of mind, or the time, to think about it? The man got what he deserved. Too bad, but true.
This sounds like one of those action scenes in movies. Well, you're in Texas, baby. You've got to think first before you do something stupid.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry...Laugh that the criminal picked on the wrong one. Cry because people are so keen to carry guns and use them in the first place. Yes, it was self defence but the gun culture breeds a gun culture. It's a strange society. What's acceptable and accepted in some countries isn't in many others.
I agree, it certainly is a strange society. It's unfortunate that any weapons are needed. It would be great if we could all get along, take care of one another, and thrive the way we should be able to, with all the resources afforded us on this earth. I would love to live in that society. Unfortunately, no matter how much we don't like to think about it, there are predators among us. They don't value others, but they covet our possessions and don't have a problem with victimizing others, financially, physically, sexually, etc. The gun culture has grown over the years, as a result of being exposed to the violence and negativity perpetrated and perpetuated by that sub-culture. I see guns becoming more common, particularly with the spread of crime into suburbs, where people previously felt safe, and the escalation of violence within those incidents.
If I had a gun on me and someone else put a gun to my head id shoot them too. Who do people think they are taking other peoples lives like they don't matter. I do agree though that the gun laws are way to open and easy in the U.S and they definitely need to be more strict on who can carry a gun. In my opinion, if your not a police office you should have no right to carry one.