If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?


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I'd cure Diabetes Type 1, for personal reasons and impersonal reasons. It's an unfair disease, you're just randomly selected one day to be a Diabetic. You could be the healthiest person in your family, and you would still be vulnerable. It almost seems unpreventable, which is why I would want it gone for good.
If i could obliterate one ailment or disease completely, it would be HIV/AIDS because of it's transmittability.
I would cure cancer too because of its ability to reoccur in people when it is thought that the disease is in remission. So
whenever the diagnosis comes, its never too late to save a person's life.
Cancer. I have had more friends and family pass from cancer related illness than I care to count. It runs rampant in my family. I guess we have the cancer gene and are more likely to get it than any other illness.
The disease that is haunting the entire world now..Ebola,or i would want to cure AIDS and wipe it off from the face of this earth.SOunds huge,ut yes its just a "If" condition right..)
If I had to choose to cure one disease. It'd have to be depression. Yes, cancer and all that other stuff is sad but it's so devastating when your own brain tries to self destruct.
Cancer, because many people die every day because of this disease, is very tragic, and I would not want to see anyone living this pain.
It's guaranteed if the human life expectancy was longer, everyone would eventually have cancer. Cancer is not easily cured and does not have a blanket cure. I wish at one time we would actually find a permanent cure for cancer that doesn't involve killing yourself in the process.
I would cure HIV/AIDs.

This disease is the new cancer. It ravages through communities killing innocent people. Whenever, I hear stories of children growing up with HIV/AIDs because of a drug addicted parent or sick one, I cringe. They are automatically cursed with a rough start and they have done nothing wrong.
If I was in a position to, I would eliminate cancer from the globe. It affects the young and the old alike. Loved ones watch the person they have known become a shell of their former self. They watch them struggle in pain knowing that there is nothing they can do for them. The nightmare would come to an end.
If I had a chance to cure and eradicate a disease it would be by far any kind of cancer. Cancer runs very deep in my family. I lost both maternal grandparents and several uncles and cousins. There is some big advancements and have been over the years in cancer research and treatment but there is no cure. I would cure cancer in a heartbeat if I was given the chance.
Although curing cancer would also mean probably the population of the world would double and we would use up all our natural resources.
If I could cure any disease I'd also cure Type 1 diabetes. I used to have a girlfriend that had it and it was sometimes hard having to think about how she'd have to prick herself everyday for the rest of her life and have to take different prescriptions. I don't think anyone should have to go through such illnesses like this.
I really have an agonizing time deciding whether its the Big-C or Alzheimer's (generally any form of dementia). I would go with Alzheimer's because at least with Big-C you are still in control of your mental faculties and hence you can make decisions on you fate.
I'd chose to cure cancer because it's the disease that is killing more people everyday and not only killing, causing pain, destroying families.
It would be cancer for me, because it comes in different forms, it can attack any part of the body and it has no mercy, so I would love to come up with a cure for cancer.