If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

I'd cure Diabetes Type 1, for personal reasons and impersonal reasons. It's an unfair disease, you're just randomly selected one day to be a Diabetic. You could be the healthiest person in your family, and you would still be vulnerable. It almost seems unpreventable, which is why I would want it gone for good.

I once got asked the same question for a science class when I was in high school. I guess I'd give it the same elementary answer as I did before, Cancer.

A family member diagnosed with cancer can cause a lot of emotional as well as financial distress. It's like staring death in the face while he walks towards you in slow-motion. Of course, since cancer kills you slowly, it gives people the chance to have a new perspective on life. Of course, it may be too late but then again, changes in perspective can sometimes lead to good things.

The bottom line is, we would all die some day from accident, disease or natural causes. Curing disease is mostly about prolonging life while trying to achieve the best quality of life.
Cancer, everyone would look up to me as some sort of magician and I would give out the cure for free, no questions asked or anything.
I would cure a number of diseases. First I would cure AIDS so this way people would not have to worry about living the rest of their lives with not being able to make love with their partner. Then I would love to cure diabetes all forms of it so no one would have to have needles anymore.
I would cure epilepsy. I suffer from it and so do many members of my family so I have personal experience with it. It is a horrible thing to have to live with not knowing when your next seizure will be. You become afraid to leave your own home sometimes because of not knowing if you will have a seizure in public or how the public will react. Most people do not know how to react or what to do and end up doing the wrong thing and causing injury to the person having the seizure or themselves. Another reason is that you just don't know if a seizure is going to kill you or not. The fact is most are mis-firing nerves in your brain and there is no way to guarantee that one misfire is going to be the one that stops your heart. it's a scary disorder and I would choose to cure it.
I would cure epilepsy. I suffer from it and so do many members of my family so I have personal experience with it. It is a horrible thing to have to live with not knowing when your next seizure will be. You become afraid to leave your own home sometimes because of not knowing if you will have a seizure in public or how the public will react. Most people do not know how to react or what to do and end up doing the wrong thing and causing injury to the person having the seizure or themselves. Another reason is that you just don't know if a seizure is going to kill you or not. The fact is most are mis-firing nerves in your brain and there is no way to guarantee that one misfire is going to be the one that stops your heart. it's a scary disorder and I would choose to cure it.
It is a scary disorder to have on you. I remember when I had seizure it was a feeling of uncertainty for me. I was not sure if I was going to live or die. I am glad I don't have to take any meds I can be free from it.
Many people would say cancer. Still, I would choose to cure retinitis pigmentosa. It's a genetic disease that causes someone to lose his or her eyesight overtime. A loved one has this, and I wish that there is a way to cure this. :(
Heart disease.. any of them. Although people are told every day how to prevent it and it doesn't make a difference lol. But there are some we're born with and I've lost someone to a heart deffect. And hands down Cancer. Also an unfair disease. It could choose any one of us at any time, it's so scary.
I would cure one that is torturing for the person who has it so I'd probably choose cancer. This disease is one of the worst things that can happen to you and I hate when I see people suffering from it.
I would choose depression as it affects so many people and those around them. There is the stigma too and people don't understand how serious it is until someone commits suicide or harms themselves. I think it would help many people live a better quality of life and also help society that pretends it's not a real ailment.
I would love to cure people who are struck by a spinal paralytic attack.I know of a Indian Preeti Srinivasan who was a big hit in sports but had to remaain paralytic after a freakish accident.Many like these go un noticed and i was moved to tears when she had come across to our function "agent of change" that we conferred on her.A true athlete.
Probably cancer. I know a lot of people (friends and family) who have suffered and died due to cancer. I've lost my aunt because of cervical cancer too.
Cancer. It eats away at people and they die a terrible death. It is so feared and there is no actual 'cure' yet, although many have managed to overcome it with treatment.
I'd say cancer. I lost 3 family members to that deadly disease. They were not even aware, there were no early warning signs and when they felt something was not right, it was too late. The cancer has already spread to other parts and has become malignant. So now I think I am getting paranoid. Whenever I feel something is wrong with me, the first thing that I can think of is cancer.
I would say there are two different ones that get a number one spot in my book. One, I would cure cancer, I lost both grandmothers, and one aunt to that disease alone. It also took the lives of my husbands family, before I could ever even meet them. It's almost sad when you compare the cureability of cancer to all the modern technology we have.

As for my other number One spot, I would go with curing of mental health disorders. I've been on many medications for this over the years and there really is no true "cure" for Bipolar, Severe Anxiety Disorders, P.T.S.D & Schizophrenia. You understand the line of mental health disorders I am mentioning though. I believe a great many of people have been lost to such afflictions over the years and many more never get to reach their full potential in life. So there are my two number Ones, maybe someday both will be able to be truly "cured."
I too would choose to cure cancer. There are so many different forms of it, and it effects so many people. Even once you manage to get rid of it, it cam always come back. Plus the treatments for it are harsh.
I'd cure Aids probably. Because most of the other problems out there are coming out with cures, but people are still barely finding a cure for Aids. Perhaps they should look into Monkey dna, then maybe that is where the problem lies.
For me, the answer would definitely be Cancer. I had a huge extended family growing up, because my Mom was the youngest of 12, and my Dad was the oldest of 5. Most of their siblings married, had children, and the family grew and grew. Initially, it was one died from Cancer, then several years would pass before another, but during one period, we lost 5 family members to Cancer in 18 months. Since then, the family has been decimated, and there are very few left. Almost all of them died from one form or another of Cancer. Many of my friends and others I've worked with or just known socially have also lost many loved ones to Cancer. Living with Cancer is difficult, and the treatments are sometimes worse than the disease. It's extremely difficult to watch loved ones suffering through the process, only to lose them in the end. I would love to be able to rid the world of Cancer.
wow lei I would never had thought of curing depression! What a great choice! Perhaps if as a society could get a handle on depression there would be so many more positive outcomes as a people in whole!