No, cops are not barbarians.Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?
Those African countries have always had issues with the authorities being corrupt. They are not decent towards other people. You have corrupt authorities everywhere some areas are worse then others so I am thankful for living in the USA.Most cops in the western world are basically decent folk, so although it may be wrong to say it could never happen it would be a very rare thing.
Unfortunately there is massive corruption in some African countries by the authorities. Most of the citizens are decent people just trying to make a living.
It is very possible that there may be policemen who do in fact rape women when they arrest them. However, I'm positive that it occurs much less often than in Africa. You basically have to be out of your mind to do that and think that you won't get caught and prosecuted. I think workers in a psychiatric ward are more likely to get away with rape than a cop and more likely to do it and that's only if the patients are too deranged (I don't believe that this as happens as often either, but I don't know everything; I just know that no one can say that it doesn't happen at all). The sad fact is that some people are sick and use their authorities in brutal and disgusting ways. That doesn't make them all alike.In most of the countries in Africa,police are well known when it comes to rape while arresting ladies.
I always pity our ladies who suffer a lot that some get infected with very dangerous diseases like aids among others.