Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?

I think that rape has the potential to happen anywhere and can be committed by anyone regardless of where you are from. There are sick individuals everywhere, unfortunately. However I don't believe that here in England it is common, it could occur but it's very unlikely due to the safeguards that are in place for the welfare of the detainee.
In most of the countries in Africa,police are well known when it comes to rape while arresting ladies.
I always pity our ladies who suffer a lot that some get infected with very dangerous diseases like aids among others.

Thankfully, this is not an issue in the UK. In fact, female officers are frequently sent to arrest other females to prevent any allegations being made.
Unfortunately it happens everywhere.

In most of the countries in Africa,police are well known when it comes to rape while arresting ladies.
I always pity our ladies who suffer a lot that some get infected with very dangerous diseases like aids among others.

Africa is different and has a whole different set of customs from the west. As well as that includes neighboring eastern countries, such as the religious police in Saudi Arabia. Arabian cops ordered 12 year old girls to burn in a school fire over some religious rag not worn on their head. I'm just glad that there's more sanity in the west.
One in a million might abuse their power to do an evil act. In the west, this would never happen and if it did, it would spread like wildfire over the internet.
I do believe that there are many cops that do rape women in custody, but do I believe that this is a practice done regularly? No, lol. Perhaps in third-world countries, this is sadly more common, but in America, police officers raping women in custody isn't something you hear every day.
Well I guess this answers that question. There are some bad apples everywhere you look. Let's not go through life in denial. Not everyone with a white hat on his head is a good guy.