Do You Believe In The Concept Of Sin?


Well-Known Member
Sin is considered a spiritual heinous crime against God ultimately. My question is--- do you believe in it? Do you believe that you are a sinner before a just and holy God?
I don't fault anyone for their own beliefs, but yes I think that sin exists, just as I think grace exists. I think that there is balance, or should be, in the world, and that sin brings about unbalance. I happen to be religious, not overly, or preachy, but it makes sense to me. If someone else don't feel that way, I can respect that.
I think that everyone has their own definition of what a sin is. While there should be some grievous ones that almost everyone should agree on (e.g. rape/murder), there are many others which are open to interpretation (e.g. homosexuality) We have no right to impose our ideas of sin on anyone, nor can we claim that any sin is morally wrong to everyone.
Yes i do...and completely..At least that wards off some mental perception that there exists a superior source to you and it ascertains the fact that you must keep yourself under check...wait i am dragging on..
yes it does exist..!!!
Sin is considered a spiritual heinous crime against God ultimately. My question is--- do you believe in it? Do you believe that you are a sinner before a just and holy God?

If it's real than I know a lot of pastors who are going to hell because there are way too many churches that are greedy. Always encouraging tithe and offering when the wife wears expensive outfits and jewelry. Making the congregation feel guilty for not helping the church meet its quota. I know things need to get paid for , but I personally want to see a budget before I feel bad about not tithing because I'm broke.
Yeah, I believe in my own sins and the sins of others. Everybody sins, and I don't really think that it can be avoided, but it doesn't really that we're all going to hell. It just means that we're all sinners, that's all. Asking for forgiveness and wanting to be forgiven is the bigger thing in my opinion. I'm not saying that is how everyone should think, but it is what I personally think.
Sure, we are all sinners, but while some sins are rather light, others are very serious so we should really be aware of our actions.
Sin is considered a spiritual heinous crime against God ultimately. My question is--- do you believe in it? Do you believe that you are a sinner before a just and holy God?

No because if it were real, every Christian that spews hatred, makes money off the church and televises their preachings would go to Hell. While I love my church and my pastor, I do not like how they are pushing tithe and offering, saying it's for the church and the next week I see the wife with diamond necklaces and shit. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!
Yes I do and I strongly do believe that I am a sinner in front of a just and holy God, it takes a while to believe it , it all seems as a strange idea , but I do believe in the concept of sin.
I think that we should start following the law and eliminate the most serious sins if we haven't done it yet.
Yes, I believe in the concept of sin. Yes, I believe that I am a sinner before a just and Holy God. Like the previous poster said, I also believe in Grace. I'm a Christian, and while there are many that give Christians a bad name - it is important to know that there are some of us doing our best to walk this life out. We are human and can/will make mistakes, but we strive to do our best. To me, sin is breaking God's commandments and laws. There are things that the Bible says not to do and there are things that says are not profitable to do. I'm sure I fail at keeping these too often. But at the end of the day, I try to remind myself - it's by grace that we're saved, not by works, lest any man should boast. When I fall, it's awesome to know that His grace covers me. :)
I believe that as human beings, we're susceptible to sin and as such, we're supposed to seek repentance before God on a daily basis.As humans, we're weak and easily fall into temptation but i guess that's how we're wired.
I have never believed in the concept of sin as it is a really deep and meaningful concept. I hope I never do any sort of dreadful crimes to get into the concept of sins. I have always feared these concepts and I think it is really scary.
I do believe in sins as a things you shouldn't do (except those about praying), but I don't go to church anymore, and obviously I haven't confessed in year or two.
No, I don't. How many times has the bible been translated? How many authors and "cutting and pasting" and personal interpretations? I would never live my life by something that isn't as clear as day. Especially since it affects how you look at others and treat them. The bible is far from clear. What if you're interpretation is wrong? I believe in "sin" against our fellow man.. in the sense that nothing we do should hurt others in any way. But no, not the sin you believe in.
I do believe in the concept of sin and it is because of the long history that i am forced to believe n it,we were preached about the vedas at a very tender age and briefed on what sin was,but in moral context and reality,sin is a deed of the evil minded.
Just stated.No offence.
There are quite a few things wrong in this world and if those are not sin we can call it anything else, but those with a conscience do know what sin is.
Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to this subject and that's okay. I myself has struggled with trying to figure out where my beliefs lie...and I do believe that sin does exist...and that it is real. I also believe that god is just and holy. Yes he can be angry but he can also be very loving and very kind. I enjoy the fact I know these things and as I follow his commandments and do what I think is right and good in his sight I gain great fulfillment in my life.
I don't believe in God, so the idea of being a sinner in front of a holy lord is not one I'd believe in. I do believe people do bad things -- and it can be measured by how much pain and unhappiness you spread (vs spreading joy, for one). I would rarely call it "sin", though. The only time the word even enters my cognition is in a teasing way, when talking about "living in sin", which is so silly that it's a pleasure to speak of it.
I believe in good and evil therefore sin comes out naturally. Humans are prone to sin basically because we're weak in flesh. Since time immemorial, mankind has always been associated with sin leading to his downfall in a various instances.