Disgusted with the News

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
Is anyone else just disgusted with the news?

Every time we turn on the news, the sensationalism of who killed or attacks whom is what is of interest. Civil unrest, murder, child abuse, and worse seems to occupy our television channels.

I'm to the point where I do not even want to turn on the television any longer.

Do you think there is a way to change our society and improve it? Or are we doomed to all this crazy violence?
The world has always been violent, it is just nature. Look at animals since prehistoric times. Aggression is the natural way to get what you need and want, such as food, territory, and mates. Humans are not so above it, that they are not a part of natural order of things. The media makes it a focal point because it is the primeval part of humans, the savageness that some people try to deny, and to them, it is shocking.
I don't think the news is anything new, it is just now we are pummeled with it 24/7. I don't think that we are doomed, but it would be really nice if people would make an effort to treat their fellow man a little better.
You are sick of the news. Well usually if I feel this way I don't watch it. TV is not always the news to watch. I think there is better news on this website than I have seen in awhile. Its real. I usually watch Alex Jones. It is not healthy to watch too much of this stuff so it is pretty normal to feel disgusted with all that is going on. There is a way to change society. There are people working on it. There is a video on youtube you would like to watch "A Message of Hope" by Mrrocketman
I understand what you are saying and often feel the same. However, there is information in the news that we sometimes need to know. Perhaps the best way is to not watch it every day. Society has always been this way. It is just far more exposed now with the technological advances we have available to us.
Sex and violence sells for the news, it's a sad fact that instead of objective information news agencies are now resorting to sensationalistic grabs for out attention in an attempt to have high viewership and more income.
The media thrives on chaos,mayhem and confusion.For them to exist and thrive,they obviously need to report on such scenes of disorder as that is what keeps people glued on their screens.So i suggest you brace yourself for more of such gory news as that is business as usual for the media industry.
I really don't watch much news. It's too much negative information, too much fear being pushed by the media. I only hear about the latest stories form Facebook or other social media outlets. I'm also aware that the media will lie very often to promote their hidden agenda.
I gave away my household stuff including my TV. I have not watched the news in a long time. It is full of bad incidents. I guess that is what sells. Some time back a friend of mine told me that she switches off her TV when the news broadcast is on because of how depressed she gets. Bad things will continue to happen because of the selfish people who live in our midst.
I honestly find the media coverage very biased and formed on their own opinion. It is very hard to find neutral news anymore, the media has to add their spin on it because they feel that's what people want to watch. Do you think people watch the news for entertainment when there's TV series such as Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones?
I've stopped watching the news a long time ago and I truly am better for it. I might take a peak if I need to know the weather in a crunch but that's about it. I feel as though the news has this agenda to make you as scared as possible. I mean, I know there a lot of bad things going on in the world, but it shouldn't be 99.99% of the news that is reported.
Gosh, I have tried staying away and then when I watch again I am always amazed at what I hear or see as I always think I have seen it all! You can be sure that some fool will comes up with something you have never seen before!
It is the same things that have always happened I think, we just hear of it more often now with so many news outlets and social media always in our face. We really do not watch the news anymore at home.
I'm disgusted how the news constantly plasters a murderer's face everywhere as if they are a hero. Take the Sandy Hook shooting, for example. The news called it the "Worst school shooting since Columbine." as if the shooter made a huge accomplishment. They described it as a record that should we should be proud of. I can easily describe to you what the Sandy Hook shooter looked like, yet I cannot describe to you the brave teachers that died protecting those children. Why is it that a vicious murderer gets more publicity than those heroes? This makes me sick to my stomach.
The news is all based on the TRP,only if they put up something like this can they actually get some people to watch it,lest it will be a complete disaster.I prefer an update of major events happening around us,watching the updates on social media.
Although I watch the news daily, I still think that the majority of it is over-sensationalized. Take the recent story about Bill Clinton and the sex offender for example. It turns out that Clinton cut him off over 6 years ago and the lady at the centre of the investigation claims neither she, nor any of the other women on the island had even met him. Regardless of your personal opinion of the guy, it seems that the media have pounced on, and over-embellished this story to try and make it news-worthy.
The situation with the news will only get much worst. I think the media will never take the blame they deserve. Criminals get a lot of their ideas from television shows and violence is ramped. The media mostly cares about ratings so whatever creates the most headlines, that's what you will see and hear.
There are actually news broadcasts in which the anchors will not let guests finish their discussion if the anchor does not agree with the person they are interviewing. I am thinking of Nancy Grace specifically here.
I like to find my news on the internet. Many times, I'll read articles and they feel less "sensational" than what the news report would push on. I also get a mix of good and bad news when I go on sites like Reddit or Facebook (my friends love to post very detailed articles about current events or blog posts etc!), so that makes the reading more suited to the actual scale of the event and to my interests (I do not really enjoy hearing about sports, so as opposed to if I watch the news, I don't have to know about it!)
I also feel that media coverage is extremely biased but in spite of all of the bad stories I like to be informed of what is going on, not only here but around the rest of the world too.