Disgusted with the News

We live in a world where journalism has been bastardized - all it means now is getting to the crime scene as quickly as possible so you can shoot an article from there before someone else does. It is a disgusting practice - cashing in on dead people.

Crime has always been everywhere on Earth, but it seems that we're giving it the most attention now, and I can't, for the life of me, figure out why.
It's great to hear everyone shares a similar opinion of the current media. Then why do they do it, and why do the majority of society lap it up? I serious think that our society has dumbed down and "follow the person in front of you" mentality I see from a lot of people.
Every generation thinks their's is worse than the last. Violence isn't on the upsweep.. it's safer today than most times in history. Depending where you are of course. Either way.. if you would turn off the tv, or at least turn to just local news, you wouldn't be so bombarded. We hear EVERYthing that goes on in the world right now. Oops.. aside from the good, the happy, the positive, the progress etc. It's all violence and celebrity.. yay us.

I don't watch the news at all anymore. The important things always make it's way to the grapevine.. I find out the big things on Facebook when everyone starts posting about them.

It isn't good for us to allow media to push themselves on us like that. Sell to us, scare us, program us. That's all it is. Turn off the tv and your world will be quieter.
It's all about the benjamins...getting the stories first means increased viewer and reader numbers - meaning more profit. Increasing profits is also what leads a news agency to sensationalize stories or even print blatant untruths. It's what ensures that the news is full of the latest rubbish about Ms. Kardashian, rather than pressing social issues. Sadly, there are always people who buy into it too.
I rarely ever watch the news anymore because I do not want the media to get my ratings for bad broadcasts. More often then not, I go online to my favorite news stations and can pick and choose the articles/videos that I look at. It makes my world such a better place. In all honesty though, "if it bleeds, it leads" and that is the media's motto and always been.