Babysitter’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Allegedly Beat Infant To Death


Well-Known Member

An 11-year-old girl was in court today and charged with murdering the 2-month-old baby.

According to Wickliffe Police Chief Randy Ice, the 11-year-old’s mother was babysitting the infant overnight. Police say the 11-year-old girl was with her mother and the baby on the couch until around 3 a.m. , until her mother fell asleep. That’s when the girl allegedly carried the infant upstairs and beat her up. She then carried the baby back downstairs a half-hour later and woke her mother.

The infant was bleeding and her head was badly swollen. She could barely open her eyes and was having a hard time breathing, according to police reports.

The baby was taken to the hospital but would die of internal injuries at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.

When authorities questioned the suspect, she did not seem upset that the baby was dead. “The girl did not show any remorse,†Chief Ice said. “I’m not sure she appreciated the gravity of what she did.†“We’re having a hard time getting our heads around this,†added Chief Ice. “You don’t see stuff like this.â€

According to Ohio law, the girl can't be tried as an adult, because she isn't 14 years of age. The hardest punishment she is facing; is being sentenced to a
state Department Youth Services Facility until she turns 21, or less than 10 years in jail.



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What in the world is going to happen next. An 11 year old girl beats a baby to death. Most little girls would love to have a baby around to take care of and cuddle with. This is an indicator that the child on today are not being parented properly. I bet it's safe to say the girl that did this has been abused as well in turn she becomes the abuser.
I can't even begin to comprehend that more and more children capable of committing violence to the point of murder. How the hell is this possible...
I hear about this yesterday and was just shocked. What could possibly cause an 11 year old to beat a baby to death? So tragic. It sounds like a very calculated move considering she actually carried the baby upstairs before beating her to death. So it's not even like she got angry and accidentally killed the baby. She must have something seriously wrong with her, it says she didn't even show any remorse afterwards.
Shocking story and it's sad for all parties concerned. You have to wonder what was going through the head of the kid at the time, and whether she was mentally stable. 11 year olds know the difference between right and wrong. This one just seems totally messed up. She's ruined for life now.
It seems as if mental health is not necessarily something that is being addressed properly in America and it seems to be getting out of control because the mental stability of our citizens seems to be in question over the past few years.
I don't know which kind of devil possessed that little girl and made her do what she did. I just hope she was not in her right frame of mind when she committed that heinous crime.I only hope that justice will prevail.
A very strange tale, why would someone leave a baby in the care of someone so irresponsible. The mother staying up until 3 a.m.? The daughter should have been in bed and the baby upstairs asleep hours ago. I am sure there is more to the tale, but there is no reason why an 11 year old should do what she did. She will always be tainted with this record and live with the guilt of what she has done. Even though it's a closed court, most people in the area will know who she is.
The parents must have been pretty irresponsible if they just left their baby with an 11 year old. Probably the parents are drug addicts and on welfare. The probably went out to buy more booze and drugs and then found some 11 year old kid to look after the baby. Maybe the 11 year old kid was also a drug addict.
This crime is so incredibly heartbreaking. First of all that 11 year old needs serious help. I'd be curious to know what type of mental healthcare she had been receiving prior to this tragic event. While possible it's highly unlikely that this child had never shown violent tendencies before. It's heartbreaking it got to this point.
Shocking! I agree with Donnalynn47. She wrote,"I bet it's safe to say the girl that did this has been abused as well, in turn she becomes the abuser." There is no telling what happened to that 11 year old. Had she suffered mental illness and never received treatment? So, when the girl views her mom caring for a baby did that girl become so jealous that she snapped and vented her furious rage against that baby? Who knows?
The mother should definitely be held at least partially responsible for this horrific tragedy. She should have never left a child she was in charge of alone in the first place, and if the mother had seen any experiences with violent behavior with her daughter at all whatsoever, even if it's only something small and might seem harmless at the time, it is definitely something that the mother should be held liable for it.
I agree this child is probably a sociopath, but she may have had to do her mother's job a lot in dealing with this poor baby, and maybe she grew tired of it. An infant is a full-time responsibility! Who leaves a young child alone with a baby?
The mother of these two children should be charged with child neglect. Children today are too bad and aren't taught anything as like past generations. A very tragic situation here that saddens me deeply. Goes to show, never have kids with a sorry excuse for a mother.
This is shocking! I have to say that this child must have learned this behavior somewhere. She seems to think her actions are ok. Perhaps she was jealous of the attention here baby sister was getting from the mother. Regardless, I am sure some shocking facts will come out in this investigation.
What a shocking thing to think that an eleven-year old girl have the capacity to murder her own sibling. I don't know what has gotten into her mind why she did that, but I felt pity on her because maybe she has a lot of sufferings inside her that bothers her and no one can address her needs. This is a sad situation that enlightens us that we need to change the way we take care and handle the children nowadays.
What a tragic occurrence, if it was an accident, there's nothing to do, an innocent life was lost. If it was on purpose... can you even assign much blame to an 11 year old, or should the blame be assigned to the parents of the child, and the girl brought to court mandated therapy?

This story is sad in every way, and it breaks my heart.
That is really crazy and scary, I wonder where she got the rage from, the anger to kill an infant, who knows? maybe she was tired of watching the baby, but still the 11 year old has some internal issues that need to be checked out, for her to go the extend of killing, that is deep.