Are Guns Really Necessary For Cops?


I realize this is the United States and we love our guns but does law enforcement really need them. We know that there are several western countries where the cops do not carry guns. Crime isn't running rampant because the cops don't have them.
With all the attention on cops killing kids and all the protests I really am curious as to why cops don't just get rid of the guns and use all the non-lethal ways of capturing a suspect.
I realize this is the United States and we love our guns but does law enforcement really need them. We know that there are several western countries where the cops do not carry guns. Crime isn't running rampant because the cops don't have them.
With all the attention on cops killing kids and all the protests I really am curious as to why cops don't just get rid of the guns and use all the non-lethal ways of capturing a suspect.
In the United States I would have to say we have more than thousands of gun stores and owners. In this country called United States criminals have access to serious firepower like military grade guns because those are stolen and wind up in the black market. So its a sad case that if we were to take those guns away from the officers then they would be dead. They do not know if someone has a gun or not since we have all sorts of crazies in here. Yeah some of those police officers exercise poor judgement at times but they need to have something to defend themselves with. Hence why they have swat units to help with some completely dangerous suspects in our midst.
I think it's important to understand that the number of police officers that use their service weapons responsibly FAR outweighs the ones that make mistakes, intentional or unintentional. The fact is, only the negative gets put on CNN.

I think that officers need guns, not just for protection, but to dissuade potential threats as well. Sure, it might not work all of the time, but it does work. I understand that other countries have officers without firearms, and it might work for them, but those countries often are not as large, dense population wise, and in certain areas, the number of illegal weapons on the streets is astounding.

Perhaps stronger training requirements, and more frequent testing and evaluation would be a better way to go at first?
In European countries gun ownership is very tightly controlled and most citizens do not have access to weapons. Obviously the same does not apply to the US.

If citizens have the right to bear arms, by extension criminals would have access to guns. It makes zero sense for police officers to not have access to guns to protect themselves and innocent bystanders.
Like everyone else said, America is a country that makes guns readily available to average citizens. If law enforcement didn't have guns, they would be at a serious disadvantage and their lives would be in danger. It's a silly question in my opinion.
Guns are necessary indeed because if cops don't have guns they can't face violent criminals, it's just the reality we have.
Like everyone else said, America is a country that makes guns readily available to average citizens. If law enforcement didn't have guns, they would be at a serious disadvantage and their lives would be in danger. It's a silly question in my opinion.

The job of a police officer is to arrest people who commit crimes and to protect us from said criminals. Where does killing people come in? With all the technology today it is completely possible to subdue a suspect 99% of the time without guns. So why the guns?

It seems like the cops just want the ability to kill people, which has nothing to do with there job.
I think they are necessary, but I wish they were not used much at all. I think they are needed as a means of protection in the event of serious violent threat, but should never be used to threaten someone. I guess what I am saying is they need to have guns, but the training on how to use them should be different than what it seems to be.
Criminals nowadays are armed and dangerous, they carry guns and some of their weapon of choice are considered military grade weapon. They even carry more firepower than police officer which is true in large organized syndicate. And if you take away the guns from police officer then how can they defend or respond in an attack against their life or against the lives of civilians? Atleast if they have a gun our police officers wont go down without a fight.
Cops are human beings just like you and I. I know that there's special training involved to become a police officer but they are told to act on instinct, which is something that most people can do on their own. I don't believe in the use of guns period, but this is the world we live in so I have to except their existence. We're too far along to just take away all of the guns, but I think there needs to be a huge crack down from D,C on how they can be used and when it's called for.
In the USA, guns are readily available. The bad elements in the USA are well equipped and the police force needs to be armed to face this danger.
As said a ton before, as a non-cop, in the United States the police have to be armed. I think they (generalizing, sorry) typically go for the gun far too often and quicker than they do the taser but that doesn't mean that we should take the guns away. The entire point of 'good guy with a gun' is giving the good guy a gun - we just have to weed out the bad guys.
As said a ton before, as a non-cop, in the United States the police have to be armed. I think they (generalizing, sorry) typically go for the gun far too often and quicker than they do the taser but that doesn't mean that we should take the guns away. The entire point of 'good guy with a gun' is giving the good guy a gun - we just have to weed out the bad guys.
Besides the good guys with the gun I can say that the bad guys with guns seem to out gun the good guys. Taking the guns away from the people who are supposed to protect us does not leave much room for safety. I rather see the cops at least have some sort of way of defense then to be mowed down by crooks.
Yes, guns are necessary for cops. No one would respect them if they didn't have them. Cops now days are abusing there power too much by killing innocent people though.
Absolutely cops need them! In my opinion cops are the only people who should be carrying guns. Cops deal with so much crap and violence its no wonder why they are getting more violent with people, its a shame really. Cops are the people we turn to when we need help, when your screaming for help and no one is around you can bet you a** they will be there in a split second and yet, we think its alright to throw bricks at them and bottles and try to "retaliate". What kind of world would this be without them? I think the way the world is going cops need their guns more than ever.
I'm wondering what the gun laws are in those places though? In the States, so many people are allowed their guns.. it's beyond control at this point and a cop needs to defend themselves and innocent people. It's too bad it's their go-to..
It's less a question of need, I don't think anyone would take a cop without a gun seriously. Although these days, people seem to be taking police less seriously in general, so it's really no surprise things are going as downhill as they are.

But I'm getting off track. My pacifist leanings say it would be so much nicer for the US to be able to rely on non-lethal methods, but given the way things are, it would take some serious overhauls and that would undoubtedly cause loads of trouble. So yes, police need their guns here. I'm all for stronger training requirements/frequent evaluations, though, as suggested earlier in the thread.
I totally agree, the police force in the US would be open to a lot of danger without the protection of guns. America is an altogether different story because of the laws around gun ownership and the sheer size of the population. It wouldn't make sense for the police to go out and defend the cities without any protection.