Are Guns Really Necessary For Cops?

I think that guns are a necessity for police in the US. Because the gun ownership laws are so relaxed (compared to my country anyway), there is a higher likelihood of getting shot. Therefore, the police need to be able to protect themselves. Here in the UK, there's little call for cops to be armed as shootings are relatively uncommon due to our gun laws.
Guns are very important. Even an average person has a gun of his/her own. What more for police officers? It's really necessary for cops to carry guns because what if they encountered an armed man, how could they protect themselves and also other citizens?
Would you work as a police officer without a firearm? I know I would not. I KNOW whats roaming around in my county and I'd be a fool to walk into the situations that our police forces do every day without some form of self-defense. Have you got any fancy ray guns that will stun someone for me? if not then I'll keep my firearms thank you. And so will every policeman in the nation.
In the US it would be ridiculous for the police to have no firearms and citizens allowed. Police would be under more threat and encounter potentially more threats. The police have more right to carry firearms to help preserve the peace as a deterrent, but with the US laws it enables citizens too many rights to own a firearm.

I do think there would be more issues, problems and more crime if the police didn't have any fire arms. Some people may use it as a reason to commit more crime knowing they could get away with it.