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  1. D

    Will there ever be world peace?

    World Peace. It's a phrase that has been used numerous times in the past. But does the phrase make sense? Is it even possible to achieve such a thing if war is going on all around every single second? Or is it just an illusion, something that you just say for the sake of having hope? With people...
  2. D

    What do you think of Brazil?

    Quite frank I never been to Brazil I wish to really go there and see what it is like. I heard of the beautiful beaches and the event like the Carnival that they have every year. I don't know what kind of food they have there in Brazil so I want to know what do you know about it. What about...
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    Your Favorite Exercise

    Do you exercise regularly in some way? What is your favorite kind of exercise? I am a dancer so that is my main exercise, but I also commute by bike, which gets me quite a bit more exercise when I have to go up hills.
  4. D

    Who has sold items using Ebay?

    I also use Ebay, but to buy and sell. I personally feel more comfortable and have very good experience using this platform for several years. I don't think to change it for another. Thanks for answering
  5. D

    What are your favorites day to work?

    This is one of the advantages of working online. There are usually many facilities with the time and stuff. Here you decide the days and hours more favourable for you and that's good, because there is an own freedom. If something unexpected happens, you can cover that without problems.
  6. D

    Nice to meet you!

    My regards "jeremy2". Welcome to this great forum. A pleasure to have you here. I sincerely hope that you feel good, and that your are here whenever you can and have time. My name is Dariel and can contact me with confidence. Goodbye and welcome.
  7. D

    Hey everyone!

    Hello "missamanda819" Greetings from my home. Thank you for joining this wonderful Forum. I hope that you can have good results here. I take this opportunity to invite you to contribute, creating new topics and replying topics created, inviting your friends and more. No more to say welcome. A...
  8. D

    What are your favorites day to work?

    I personally prefer Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays until the morning. I have long time working these days and my results are good. Fridays and Sundays when the market starts I don't like, because I usually lose money.
  9. D

    Do you have stolen something?

    I'd like to hear your sincere opinions. For me stealing is taking something alien without permission and stay with that. I personally think that the vast majority of people have stolen something in our lives, no matter if it is small or large, stealing is stealing.
  10. D

    What are the advantages of being a neighbor of a police officer?

    I think that many of you will be with my question and answer it. You have a neighbour honest policeman, trained, trained and have love for the neighborhood, can be very important, because that person can protect us and can do many useful things for the sector. What is your opinion?
  11. D

    Who has sold items using Ebay?

    Many people use eBay to buy their favorite items and stuff. We also can make a profitable business using this platform, to sell our old and used items and earn extra money. Who has sold anything?. Your opinion.
  12. D

    Love and Hate

    Sometimes there is a fine line between love and hate. Have you ever heard this saying before and not known what it actually means? I finally got the meaning of this and it comes from relationships that linger badly for too long. You love someone and end up almost hating them and it was because...
  13. D

    Ello Ello.

    Thanks for joining "Sarz" My name is Dariel and I am already a member of this great forum a few months ago. Here you can learn many interesting and useful things, so I invite you to be active whenever you can. You already know something about me. I will be available for anything, you can contact...
  14. D

    Sheriff Officer saying hi!

    Hello "reesek8" How you doing? I hope fine. Thanks for joining. You are extremely welcome and I hope you feel comfortable and happy here in this great forum. I have faith that you will be a good and active user. I invite you to post new threads and replies created. Also if you want you can...
  15. D

    Do you go to a lot of concerts?

    My wife's schedule prevents us from going to as many concerts as we would like, but we do go every chance we get. There's just something about live music that creates an energetic atmosphere that I love.
  16. D

    Parents who limit music to their kids

    Do we have any parents like that here, or maybe those who had parents like that? I know my parents tried it but it never really got that far in my house. I don't limit what my kids listen to because I want them to experience all of life and make up their own minds. Is that bad of me as a parent...
  17. D

    Legalize Prostitution?

    I don't see much problem if everything is legalized and controlled so as to avoid diseases and all these bad things. Prostitution always exists and excite irresponsibly, so if that can be changed so that it can be legal and responsible welcome.
  18. D

    Do you celebrate Halloween in your area?

    I don't usually frequent costume parties, because I don't like to much be painted and disguised, but this weekend will go to one of those parties, so I will check the quality to then find out that I can feel. There is always a first time
  19. D

    Who makes money with the pages of payment per click PTC?

    Your words are correct. It is a pity the amount of money that we can win with those pages. I thank God no need to use those bad sites to earn money. Majorities cheat users.
  20. D

    Hello All

    Welcome "mscolumalum" thank you for joining to this great community. I am Dariel and am 23 years old. I like this forum, meet new people, be in line and much more. You already know something about me and you can contact me. I am available for help and I hope that you are comfortable. My...