Who has sold items using Ebay?


Well-Known Member
Many people use eBay to buy their favorite items and stuff. We also can make a profitable business using this platform, to sell our old and used items and earn extra money. Who has sold anything?. Your opinion.
Believe it or not I never used ebay, but I've bought quite a few things online. I do agree it can be a great business though. ;)
I have sold a few items, but I have listed dozens that never sold. For me it turned out to be a waste of time. I either don't have the knack for it, or it's just a game of luck if your particular clothing items will interest anyone.
I have only bought off Ebay, and personally I'm not too fond of it. You could get scammed by sellers selling imitation products, or wrong goods via their abuse of fine print. I use Amazon or other big retailers nowadays.
I do have a friend who makes a substantial part of her income by selling on ebay, it's hard work though, but she needs the money.
Most of my time on EBay has been from me buying and not selling. I've tried selling on EBay, but I haven't really made much profit from it.

My husband, on the other hand, is much better. He has a gift for knowing what will sell. He finds things on clearance/discount and he can double or triple his money. I think it's best if he sticks to the selling and I stick to the buying. :)
Most of my time on EBay has been from me buying and not selling. I've tried selling on EBay, but I haven't really made much profit from it.

My husband, on the other hand, is much better. He has a gift for knowing what will sell. He finds things on clearance/discount and he can double or triple his money. I think it's best if he sticks to the selling and I stick to the buying. :)

I also use Ebay, but to buy and sell. I personally feel more comfortable and have very good experience using this platform for several years. I don't think to change it for another. Thanks for answering
I have never used ebay but I think it is a really cool site to shop at. I never thought ebay could be used for selling items also. And according to the responses here, people seem to be making nice little profit from this business. I hope to try it very soon.
I have sold many things successfully using Ebay. I have a mini hippie friendship bracelet business that I do in my spare time out of my house and I have sold many items on Ebay all over the world. I love Ebay. I also do a lot of my online shopping through Ebay, you can get something on there for $2.99 that the stores here would charge you $9.99 for.