Do you celebrate Halloween in your area?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering how many people here celebrate Halloween? It's not really practiced over here. Some malls have started cashing in on the Halloween tradition and sell masks and candy, but most neighborhoods don't really have trick or treat here. We haven't decorated our house, and frankly, if some kid came over here to ask for candy, we'd find that pretty weird. What about you? Do you celebrate Halloween?
I've never been a big fan of Halloween. Not sure why. Then again, I'm British and it's not as heavily celebrated there as it is in the US. When I lived in the US I was a little overwhelmed by the size of the celebration. Where I am now it isn't as crazy an even.
I love Halloween. We had a ton of kids tonight and gave out all our candy in about an hour and a half. We had a huge bowl full and two small pumpkins full of candy and went through it all pretty quickly. I have never seen so many princess Elsa's in my life. Frozen must be hugely popular with the grade school kids. Disney had to have made a killing off those sales this year lol. Best costume we had was a Harley Quinn. A little girl about 10 had her down pat with a big fake mallet and the voice. Wish I could have taken pictures, but that seemed a little creepy to try.
I celebrate Halloween. Mostly because it is the simplest holiday. You go out you get candy. It's as simple as that. Except the only hard part is figuring out what to be for Halloween. I never come up with anything until the very last minute. Like today I decided that I am going to go as the Pirate Fairy from Tinkerbell next year. NEXT YEAR because it came to me while trick or treating with my kids. I'm tired of wearing baggy costumes.
I celebrate Halloween simply, there aren't any massive or flashy parties or trick or treat parades, but enough people celebrate it for there to be a small dinner together, and some candies given to the kids. This year I'm having a scary movie screening with some close friends and family!
I'm in Romania, so we "imported" halloween here, but in here it's just some slutty cat costumed girls who go in clubs.

I spent my halloween night playing some "spooky" games with some friends, and that's pretty much what we do each halloween. Makes for a fantastic time.
I wouldn't say that I celebrate Halloween, I just see it as Free Candy Day. Where you can go to different houses in your neighborhood and stock up on candy to last you for several months. But yes, my neighborhood does Halloween, it's not too big, but we do live nearby a popular corn maze and focus on the haunted attractions nowadays anyway.
I celebrate Halloween. Mostly because it is the simplest holiday. You go out you get candy. It's as simple as that. Except the only hard part is figuring out what to be for Halloween. I never come up with anything until the very last minute. Like today I decided that I am going to go as the Pirate Fairy from Tinkerbell next year. NEXT YEAR because it came to me while trick or treating with my kids. I'm tired of wearing baggy costumes.

I don't usually frequent costume parties, because I don't like to much be painted and disguised, but this weekend will go to one of those parties, so I will check the quality to then find out that I can feel. There is always a first time
yeah we did,Our college mates got together and we had a wonderful halloween night.I made a crazy costume with the HULK-SAW combo..It was weird but i pulled it off.
In our region where I live Halloween is always a festival that people talk about and enjoy watch in the movies. I have never celebrated Halloween but I think I would love to celebrate it. It seems like a wonderful festival that everyone would love to celebrate.*
I'm in Romania, so we "imported" halloween here, but in here it's just some slutty cat costumed girls who go in clubs.

I spent my halloween night playing some "spooky" games with some friends, and that's pretty much what we do each halloween. Makes for a fantastic time.

brb moving to Romania :P

I don't really go to clubs on Halloween though, usually the prices are marked up to be very high on special holidays.
This year we had an Halloween parade, it was pretty cool, everyone had a costume and the stores were open offering sweets, I loved it.
Where I am residing at present Halloween is not celebrated. Most people do not know about it. Some time back when I used to go out to clubs, some used to have a theme. Some advanced places of work actually celebrate that day by wearing Halloween costumes to work. I heard that from my favorite radio presenter. She told us that she was a witch for the day.
Yup, but the Halloween events in my place are usually for kids. I've always hoped that there would be a Halloween costume party or parade or whatever. But it seems it's never going to happen here. Lol.