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  1. P

    What if my dog bite's a trespasser?

    It's nice to see a responsible dog owner. I am not in a big city, but neither is it tiny. People seem to think that they can walk down the sidewalks and parks without their dogs on leashes all the time! But to get to your post, I cannot say for certain that you won't have to answer to charges if...
  2. P

    When I call 911

    I know they tell you when you call a hotline that you don't have to reveal who you are, but that is not the same as the 911 system. They will ask your name. Whether you give it or not, I suppose is your choice. If the police are able to track you down (and they will trace your call, from a...
  3. P

    When a robber enters your home..

    I am from Iowa. A couple of years ago, a teenager was caught by the elderly homeowner trying to crawl through the kitchen window (above the sink). The woman shot him dead. She lived in a bad neighborhood in Des Moines, and was legally armed. The boy's mom tried to argue that the woman had no...
  4. P

    Are female cops treated with the same respect?

    When I was a teenager, two women police officers joined the force at the same time. I think it was the first time women had ever joined the force, of only 15 officers. The jokes never seemed to end from the civilians. I imagine it was rough on them within the force as well. One of the women...
  5. P

    Have/would you call out an officer with a bad attitude?

    I guess I am just more sensitive, and wish to stand up for myself. I don't think anyone has the right to treat me bad, just because their day hasn't gone well. Would a check out clerk be allowed to talk down to you, or in any way make you feel like you were receiving hostility from them? Of...
  6. P

    What "minor" laws do you break?

    This may not be exactly a "minor" crime, but the way I used to get punished by my mom would definitely have put her in jail today. Many people agree that "sparing the rod spoils the child", and that they were in no way abused by their parents, but would they dare try the same thing on their own...
  7. P

    Why do many police forces around the world not carry guns?

    To say that the average person cannot carry legally does not mean that they are not carrying. I don't care if I was in a place that SEEMED to have tight control over guns, it does not mean that is really the case. What happens--and I am sure it does--when an armed person gets in the face of an...
  8. P

    Would you turn a loved one in?

    That's a tough one. If you look at it from a legal standpoint, you would be an accessory to the crime if you didn't turn them in. That means you could do life in prison, just for keeping your mouth closed! The dedication to family is strong, and I would hate to lose the person if they were...
  9. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    Just because there are prisoners that can get around cameras doesn't mean it is acceptable for sexual assaults. Just because someone is a convicted sex offender, it does not mean that "understaffing" is a valid excuse to let them be attacked. The prison is responsible for the safety of the...
  10. P

    Have/would you call out an officer with a bad attitude?

    Have or would you say something to an officer that was rude to you, without cause? I know some people are afraid of police, and others are too respectful. But there are others that will stand up for themselves no matter who it is. Which type are you? I actually confronted an officer once when my...
  11. P

    Have You Ever Seen Someone Do Something Incredibly Stupid In Front Of A Cop?

    We went to a bar on the square years ago, and when we came out, my friend peed right on the courthouse lawn. The Sheriff's office was on the other side, and saw him doing it. The officer yelled across the block, nearly making him pee on himself. They arrested him and he was charged with indecent...
  12. P

    What "minor" laws do you break?

    I used to throw trash out of my car window when I was a young adult. My mom always did it when I was a kid, and although I knew you could get a small fine, I felt that it wasn't really "wrong" to litter. Today, I am more concerned about the environment than a insignificant fine, and the only...
  13. P

    Feeling vulnerable

    It is part of an officer's training to feel like a target. They have to be prepared, and must go at each stop as if that person is a threat. I don't mean they have to treat people in hostile manner, but they cannot trust people either. For this reason, officers probably do feel like a target.
  14. P

    Noisy and Threatening Neighbors.

    Loud and rude neighbors are the worst! Four years ago I moved into this townhouse, and one neighbor was a young guy that partied every weekend. When I confronted him, he and his friends all started yelling at me, and one acted like he was going to try and fight me. When I reported it to my...
  15. P

    Text harassment

    I have been down this road with two different people. The police were involved both times. I was told by the officer that if you respond back that it becomes a conversation, or at the very most an argument. It is not harassment unless you text and say, "leave me alone, I don't want you texting...
  16. P

    Why do many police forces around the world not carry guns?

    I am American, so I am used to seeing anyone with a badge carrying a piece. I know they say the USA is a military state (so to speak), but it's not as bad as many third-world countries. But there are other countries where patrol officers do not carry lethal force at all. I believe England...
  17. P

    Do you see an increase of police activity on New Years Eve?

    Generally, we stay off the roads on New Years Eve, but it just didn't work out this time. We were heading home at about 6 PM, and this car was riding our butts. He then whipped into the other lane, in a no passing zone, and barely avoided a head-on collision with a car coming toward us. I slowed...
  18. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    Thank you both for your answers. I feel that the general public as a whole contribute to the problem as well. If someone is accused of molestation or rape, the consensus view is that they are automatically guilty. If it is taken to trial the jury are regular people that are probably going to...
  19. P

    What can we do to make 2015 a better year for police and community relations?

    Police are definitely struggling with a bad image right now. I believe that individual communities are going to handle their relationships with local officers in their own way. In my city there is not a greater disrespect for the police (at least from what I am aware) than before Ferguson. If a...
  20. P

    The death penalty for evil crimes

    The death penalty is not a deterrent, no matter how you want to nitpick on the details of heinous crimes. People who are going to mutilate someone's genitals is not going to stop and think, "Oh, I am in a state (or country) that will put me to death for doing this, so I better not". Murder and...