Do you see an increase of police activity on New Years Eve?


Well-Known Member
We just drove from a town 35 miles away, passing one town in between. I saw at least four police cars in different districts. Most of them were not patrolling, but hiding in the dark, obviously trying to catch someone speeding and/or drunk driving. I noticed two were on the edge of town, as if they were waiting to catch people trying to sneak back into town. I saw the same thing from a county deputy a couple NYEs ago. Do you see a difference in police activities on this night?
I think that there will be an increase of police tonight. There are going to be a lot of people out during this holiday so they will most likely be on alert. There will probably be some crimes or accidents happening tonight so the police will be around for that.
There is definitely an increase in police activity here. My husband had a doctor's appointment one town over yesterday and I think we saw about 30 different law enforcement officers from various agencies on the way back. My husband just got in from work and he said there out in full force.
Generally, we stay off the roads on New Years Eve, but it just didn't work out this time. We were heading home at about 6 PM, and this car was riding our butts. He then whipped into the other lane, in a no passing zone, and barely avoided a head-on collision with a car coming toward us. I slowed way down, just in case, but this time it turned out to be a happy ending. The guy was clearly drunk or trying to get to a party. Unfortunately there were no police around for this. I didn't catch his license, or I would have reported it. Fortunately, this was the only problem we saw. I hate to think how many more serious issues happened last night, across the country.
Yeah, I am sure they had a busy night last night and likely tonight too since it is a holiday. You will probably see them out in full force until Monday, because a lot of people don't have to go back to work until then. I am all for people having a good time, but be responsible about it.
I would disappointed if there was not an increase in police activity in my area on New Years Eve. I live on the Cleveland border and downtown is getting to be a hot spot for parties each year. I also live off a strip that has like 12 bar within a mile. I expect that the officers would be extra vigilant on a night where there are more parties going on. As for myself this year, I was home sick in bed and my daughter was safe at my neighbors house having a child-friendly party with some neighborhood kids. We've made it a point to stay away from the craziness as I get a sensory overload very easily.
I would think that there would be an increase in police activity on New Year's Eve. People in a large groups (most of them are drunk or on some other drugs) need a little bit more monitoring. Also, in a post-911 world, people need to be prepared for attacks, and it's believed that New Year's Eve is a prime date for an attack.
There are always plenty of cops about on NYE in the UK too. Some are out waiting for drink drivers whilst there are usually extra patrols of the main streets, in case there are any drunken disturbances.
Of course, and this is a good thing. The number of drunk people greatly increase on New Years Eve, When the number of drunks increases, the number of drunk drivers, drunken fights, drunken vandalism, and drunken public nudity and harassment is increases as well. The more police on duty there are to stop this mayhem from happening, the better. Also, they need to control crowds, as a very large crowd can be a huge safety hazard in case of a fire or other disasters.
Whenever we have holidays there is always more police on the streets, for our own safety, I think it's a good thing, at least I feel safer.