Noisy and Threatening Neighbors.


New Member
Hello, I will try and make it brief but I have a few questions.

Since about two years ago my neighbors have been increasingly noisy and loud. It's a couple in their late forties/early fifties with three young boys. By now only one permanently lives there and the other two come and go as they wish.

My problem is that for the last year and a half they have gone insane and I am not sure why. They bang on the wall, screaming and insulting through it too. Slam the doors and everything. I am not sure for their motive but apparently it is because we are too loud.

Me and my wife have three kids so yes, sometimes it gets a bit noisy but in all honesty we keep it down as best we can. There is no noise after 8pm and for many years we have put up with them raising three children (all boys so yes, noisy) without any complaint.

It's gotten so bad that even when the youngest (Year and a half old) cries they will bang the walls for a good five minutes. Heck, even when there is no noise they will scream and shout.

I'm writing this because it is getting a bit hopeless. It's adding stress to the whole family and on some occasions it gets so bad that my children get scared. Please, I have kept quiet for so long but I am not sure how long I can put up with it.

For a start, I am going to write a complaint towards the police but I am not sure what to put in there. Any help on how to write a complaint would be appreciated and advice on what else we could do would be treasured.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.


Have you tried talking to your neighbors about the noise? That would be the first step prior to getting the police involved. If that [talking to your neighbors] doesn't work, then you can proceed to phase 2. Report the matter to the police but DON'T use their emergency number. They will let you know how to move on from there.
Loud and rude neighbors are the worst! Four years ago I moved into this townhouse, and one neighbor was a young guy that partied every weekend. When I confronted him, he and his friends all started yelling at me, and one acted like he was going to try and fight me. When I reported it to my landlord, he actually defended them. I think talking directly to the neighbors is only good in the best of situations, otherwise it will probably get you nowhere. Landlords generally don't want to be involved in tenant scuffles, unless it's a serious issue that requires them to intervene. That leaves dealing with it, or phoning the police. I came close with this guy, but never actually called the police. He moved after awhile, to my great relief.
Document everything you can. Video or tape record the neighbors when they are screaming and pounding on the walls. I am assuming you are in an apartment or duplex and have a landlord who may be able to help you with this situation. I am sorry that you and your family are going through this right now.