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  1. P

    Local Supercenter getting ripped off so bad they are hiring security

    The greeter is supposed to make sure you have all your items bagged, and you have a receipt. In other Wal-Marts I will carry my receipt in my hand until I exit the building, because I have occasionally been stopped to verify. The Wal-Mart in my town rarely has a greeter at all, but when they do...
  2. P

    Pulled Over

    I have no proof one way or another, but it is pretty unlikely they would give a colleague a ticket for something so minor. I am sure if it was a serious offense they would react as if he/she was a civilian. Interesting that you say your name spared you a ticket. My wife is from another town. She...
  3. P

    Police Officer Profiling

    I was about to jump on here and say that I already made a profiling post, but this is different. I would say people judge even if they don't really want to. As we have a huge variety of people in this world, a lot of us are dissimilar. It is natural to want to be around people like yourself, and...
  4. P

    Have/would you offer an officer anything when pulled over?

    Why would an officer pull you over all the time, like that, Rhoda? Seems he had too much time to kill. Personally, I probably would not offer an officer anything if I was pulled over, just because I get pissy when I am pulled over. I generally keep my car in tiptop shape, and I don't break any...
  5. P

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    You are lucky that the employees decided to believe you. I don't think I have that innocent of a face. There have been times when I was very hard up for money that I considered stealing stuff, like over-the-counter medicine that I needed, and the money could have went to something else, like a...
  6. P

    Have you ever been in a physical fight?

    I am wondering who here has been in a fight, where you were hit and you hit back? Did you or the other person call the police? Did a bystander or neighbor? Did you get charged? What was the outcome of that? I am not proud of it, but my first wife and I used to hit each other. She had hit me like...
  7. P

    Is police brutality really getting worse ?

    The news rarely shows the good qualities of humanity. I don't believe brutality is worse than it was in the past. That does not mean that civilians are not getting more violent, and the police have to respond equally (legally) violent. There is a big difference between necessary violence and...
  8. P

    Police Officer Funeral

    A few years ago a Sheriff's deputy was shot and killed in the line of duty in a neighboring county. Officers from all over the state, and different departments were a part of the motorcade and funeral. I am sure that there is money set aside in the police union for such things. If it doesn't...
  9. P

    How do police deal with stress on thier jobs ?

    I don't mean to sound cold-hearted, but why does everyone always assume that police have harder jobs than everyone else? I am not saying they have it easy, but is not like they don't know what to expect going in. For some, I think the appeal is that the training doesn't take very long. But then...
  10. P

    Have/would you offer an officer anything when pulled over?

    When I ask this, I mean anything. If you were eating a Big Mac, did you offer him/her a bite? If it was a 100 degrees did you offer a water bottle? if you owned a business did you offer to do some free work? What other offers did you try? Your body? Some of these could be considered bribes...
  11. P

    Local Supercenter getting ripped off so bad they are hiring security

    This needs to be explained a little. I realize in a smaller town there are not endless sources of people that want to work at Wal-Mart, but the workers that are there NEVER seem to be around. I can search half the store before I find someone to help. They have about four lanes open, or a long...
  12. P

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    That's a sad story, Micheleteresea. Although it is technically a crime, I have a hard time seeing it as such when someone is trying to eat, or feed others that can't get food on their own. If you had ever been caught, I would have hoped you would have explained it, and they would have got you...
  13. P

    How often should police cars use their siren?

    I think sirens should be used only when absolutely necessary. I have seen police hit them for a split second to get the attention of someone not moving on a green light fast enough for them. It was at night, and they are extremely loud. If this was a citizen blaring anything that loud, and it...
  14. P

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I have three children. One is a young adult and the other two are nine and three. I made it sound like none of them stole anything, which is partially true. My three-year-old TRIED to steal a toy/candy combo they usually have at the checkout counter. She usually messes with them while I am...
  15. P

    How often is a cell phone mistaken for a gun?

    Yeah, that was a pretty rude response. I am not going to say people don't do stupid things like try and wrestle a gun from a cop, but that's rare. Most people are going to reach for their driver's license and insurance by instinct. Should they get shot dead for something that is automatic (not...
  16. P

    How do police deal with stress on thier jobs ?

    By beating up people like you and me, how else? Okay, that was a joke. I think some probably work out, others join their police buddies at cop bars. Still others go home and talk to their spouse about the bad things. Some probably just hold it in, which is never a good idea, but that's how some...
  17. P

    Police Driving

    Sure, it is possible they did it so they didn't have to wait. I have seen police run red lights, but not slow down right after. I have seen, however, police passing me doing 10-15 mph over the speed limit, without lights on, and not slow down again. They walk away from me, while I am doing the...
  18. P

    Buying prescription drugs outside the USA

    My mom has bought anxiety and other medications in other countries and they shipped into America. Not only would I worry about the quality of the drugs without FDA regulations, I don't know how it can be legal. She swears that is it not illegal. Are the drug laws involving prescriptions...
  19. P

    What are your favorite cop/criminal shows?

    The real police shows I like are "Cops" (it's on like 23 seasons!), "The First 48" and "Cold Case" (documentary). Scripted shows includes "Cold Case" (the other one), "Criminal Minds", all of the "Law and Order" series, all of the "CSI" shows, "The Killing" (American version), and a host of...
  20. P

    Have you ever stolen anything?

    I am sure most people have stolen something in their lives, even if it's a grape at the store they "sampled" or pirated media. But I mean have you ever shoplifted or taken property that wasn't yours? I used to shoplift occasionally at 14-15. It was small things like cassette tapes. I was lucky I...