How often should police cars use their siren?


Active Member
The siren is an important tool in a policeman's arsenal, for obvious reasons, but sometimes I see them being abused by police officers, simply because they don't feel like waiting at a red light. They turn them on, go through the intersection and then turn them off again, continuing to cruise at a low speed. That should stop IMO.
Sure, sometimes there is abuse, but this is something wrong because the siren is aimed to be used only in emergencies. Not many are abusing it though, at least that I see it.
I think sirens should be used only when absolutely necessary. I have seen police hit them for a split second to get the attention of someone not moving on a green light fast enough for them. It was at night, and they are extremely loud. If this was a citizen blaring anything that loud, and it caught the police's attention, it could have been a disturbing the peace ticket. For the most part, I think sirens are used only as needed though.
I think that police cars SHOULD only use their sirens when they are on their way to an emergency. The problem is that some cops use their sirens when they want to go somewhere really fast, not necessarily when there is an emergency. For all we know, they could just be in a rush to get to lunch and they are using their siren.
I don't think I've ever seen a police car use their siren just to run a red light, but I can certainly see that happening. I think that a police car's siren should be used in an emergency and as way to get someone's attention. If someone's trunk is open or something falls out of their truck, and a policeman turns on their siren as a way to get their attention, thats absolutely fine. And, if a policeman is on his way to a crime scene or is trying to pull someone over, it is absolutely appropriate to use their siren.
As long as they need to get somewhere fast, like a crime that is happening right now, then it is always appropriate to use the s iren. I have never really noticed police using them to run red lights, but it really wouldn't surprise me if they do.
If they are responding to a call and time is a factor than they should use their siren. If they are just returning from a call or are patroling than they should not be using the siren. I mean it should really be common sense. The Siren is there to identify that there is a police car in the vicinity and that it needs to get through because Time is urgent.