Local Supercenter getting ripped off so bad they are hiring security


Well-Known Member
This needs to be explained a little. I realize in a smaller town there are not endless sources of people that want to work at Wal-Mart, but the workers that are there NEVER seem to be around. I can search half the store before I find someone to help. They have about four lanes open, or a long line at customer service (with one worker behind the counter) but you will see six walking around coming and going on breaks (I presume). There have been so many times I will just go through the self-checkout with items that fill four bags because there's no one in sight at the front. This can be as early as 7 P.M., but it's especially bad in the overnight. I have no doubt people are just walking out with their items. There's no one around to stop them. If I was crooked I could have done the same thing. So, now, instead of paying better wages and drawing more and better employees in, they will pay security a lot more than the average worker, to stand and watch the door. They will basically be a greeter, but in reverse. What do you think of this? Ridiculous?
My local Food Lion does this as well! Out of the 10 checkout aisles they have, only 2(at the most) are open at a time, and you're stuck in agonizingly long lines, or you have to do the glitchy self-checkout system. The self-checkout system hardly works, and when you press the "call or help" button, nobody comes because nobody is on duty. There may be one person working in the food aisles stacking bread, but it is impossible to find him, and I feel bad because he is doing the work all by himself. Seriously, some of these grocery stores need to stop being cheap and increase their pay.
This is ridiculous. Instead of hiring a security guard, they need to hire more and better workers like you said.
When I lived in Cincinnati, you had to hand the greeter your receipt and she checked you and highlighter all big purchases and checked items against number of bags. If it looked like you had more than you should you could not leave. You stood in one line at the counter and another at the door. They did it because so much stuff got stolen in that neighborhood. Now, I could go to a walmart in a better area of the city, and they would just let me go through with no issue.
When I lived in Cincinnati, you had to hand the greeter your receipt and she checked you and highlighter all big purchases and checked items against number of bags. If it looked like you had more than you should you could not leave. You stood in one line at the counter and another at the door. They did it because so much stuff got stolen in that neighborhood. Now, I could go to a walmart in a better area of the city, and they would just let me go through with no issue.

The greeter is supposed to make sure you have all your items bagged, and you have a receipt. In other Wal-Marts I will carry my receipt in my hand until I exit the building, because I have occasionally been stopped to verify. The Wal-Mart in my town rarely has a greeter at all, but when they do, they are always facing people coming in and not going out (the exit door is away from the entrance). The problem is that there is too many jobs in this town that pay a lot better than Wal-Mart. They just need to reassess their situation, and start paying higher wages. It is not unheard of for Wal-Marts to pay high wages and competitive wages, especially in big cities.