Search results

  1. P

    Regular drinking while on duty in Mexico

    I recently heard that in Mexico the local police sit in bars, in uniform and drink until drunk. They don't try to hide it, and sometimes don't leave until the bar closes, completely ignoring their job. There is no consequence for this, as they are the "supreme authority" in their town. Is there...
  2. P

    Throwing up in a police car

    I can understand and agree that in bigger towns, the car would be removed from service. How would this work in very small towns? There is a town near here that has about 200 people. For whatever reason, they actually have local police. It was one officer, and one vehicle. If that vehicle becomes...
  3. P

    Can Retired Officers Enforce The Law?

    The logical answer would be that they have no authority and would call like anyone else. In reality, a retired police person has spent most of their life as a cop, and had authority when not on the clock, as well. That isn't going to just shut off. If it was a very small town, and the locals...
  4. P

    How Many Cases Go Unreported?

    Obviously, since it is unreported, no one knows for sure. It would be like asking what percentage of precinct A is corrupt? It is impossible to know. The answer is going to be completely dependent on what a person thinks of their local police, or police in general. To answer, I think it is a lot...
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    I am too busy with online work and a family to be bored. But I can say that I am ready for a change of pace. Our tax return money will soon be here, and I am hoping I can talk the wife into going away for the weekend. I like to go to places we have never been, but since we travel a fair amount...
  6. P

    I have had lots of posting issues since the changes in this forum

    I am back to having issues again. About 1-3 posts won't show up, or the "working" symbol just spins and I have to get out of the forum altogether, and come back in. I don't have these issues anywhere else, so I don't know what to say? It is something within the forum, or the way the forum and my...
  7. P

    Why do people hate the police?

    Thanks for all the answers. I admit I had a lot of run-ins with police when I was younger. I haven't even been pulled over since 2007, so I have had no issues in recent years. But when I pass a cop while driving, I don't make eye-contact, and always wonder if they think I am hiding something. I...
  8. P

    Throwing up in a police car

    I have heard people claim that an officer made them clean up their own vomit when they threw up in the backseat, but I doubt that. First off, they can't make you do anything. If a person threw up, likely they were drunk, and probably wouldn't even be able to do it. I ran away when I was about...
  9. P

    Have you ever been in a physical fight?

    I was bullied as a kid, and got beat up a couple times. The funny thing was that it was the same person, and he always hit me in front of an audience. I didn't fight back, because he was bigger, and a well-known fighter. I was around fourteen when this went down. I saw him around town for many...
  10. P

    Do you think that no contest plea is worthless?

    "No contest" to me is just as bad as "I plead the 5th". It is still saying you are guilty, it is just trying to slink around it, and not take full responsibility. Everyone knows that what you are really doing is not accepting responsibility for your crimes, and are hoping to get a lesser verdict...
  11. P

    Police-tracking app

    I have never heard of this at all. But it doesn't make a lot of sense. Who keeps it updated? Civilians? How could they keep track of all the officers? This is no different than radio and TV reporting where speed traps are. The officer is really worried over nothing. There are plenty of ways to...
  12. P

    Why do people hate the police?

    There is a large percentage of people in America that hate police. I mean actually hate them. Some might tie them into government drones or other issues, but many hate them for personal reasons. A majority of the people that hate cops are the ones that have been busted by them. They have either...
  13. P

    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    I do agree that in most cases if you don't want to answer something, especially if it seems irrelevant, the best thing to do is be quiet, or tell them you are refusing to answer. But that could also get you taken to the police station, if the officer really feels there is something you are...
  14. P

    Police entering your home without permission

    What you stated there is just the sort of reason why some police can push the boundaries beyond their need to uphold the law. If a police officer is coming into my home, without my permission, just so he can nose around and find something on me, then allowing him to intrude upon my privacy is...
  15. P

    Has an officer ever testified against you in court?

    Thank you, Lito, for being the only one who replied with an actual response to what I was asking. Why do people respond just to say "no"? Anyway, officers don't have a choice when it comes to testifying in an arrest or accident or any other issue that they were on the scene. They are obviously...
  16. P

    I have had lots of posting issues since the changes in this forum

    I have made three posts today without an issue at all. The last two days were horrendous. I hope this continues to work, because I really enjoy this site. I will keep you updated, if I have any more issues, otherwise, all seems well. Thank you for fixing it.
  17. P

    What is done with illegal drugs?

    They have to keep it in an evidence locker until the crimes are pinned on a person, they are found innocent, or it is dismissed. I think I also heard somewhere that they keep them a year, but that may be only certain places, and special circumstances. Some of the drugs probably go to...
  18. P

    Funeral Procession

    No offense to you, but I question if they get paid extra. Funerals happen during day time officers' shift, why would they get paid extra? It is just a part of their job. They are directing traffic. They don't get paid extra to direct traffic around an accident. The only extra money I am aware of...
  19. P

    How well do jurisdictions get along?

    I sometimes think that the clashing of jurisdictions is something made up on police dramas. I know that the nearest city of similar size to my hometown (in the next county over) do officer exchanges, so that that the locals don't know the cops going undercover. I think the two jurisdictions...
  20. P

    Passenger Arrest?

    The likely reason he said it was because you got under his skin and he was trying to upset you. The only way I can see a passenger getting charged with reckless driving is if they are involved in causing the driver to drive erratically. A passenger could cause this by shouting or hitting the...