Funeral Procession


Active Member
My understanding is that when police lead a funeral procession it is extra pay for them. I have heard that the money for this is drying up in places. Therefore some funerals have caravans without police escorts. I am wondering how much officers get paid to do this. I would not think its that much but something is better than nothing. Also where does the money come from that pays for this? I am sure there are some families that would be willing to pay for police escorts if it not terribly expensive.
There ought to be a fund for this. I don't really know where the money comes from, but it needs to be funded. This s is an honor that should not go by so he wayside just because of expense.
I didn't know they'd be compensated for this, but I knew most of the officers I know well would do it out of honor for a fellow comrade or someone close. However with the average Joe, there's no offer unless they served in the military branches for our country. I'd like to say we could rent out the cops for a second, but they're probably more busy then that. And people, while this is a cold statement, die all the time. Small towns couldn't afford it like we should be able to.
My understanding is that when police lead a funeral procession it is extra pay for them. I have heard that the money for this is drying up in places. Therefore some funerals have caravans without police escorts. I am wondering how much officers get paid to do this. I would not think its that much but something is better than nothing. Also where does the money come from that pays for this? I am sure there are some families that would be willing to pay for police escorts if it not terribly expensive.

No offense to you, but I question if they get paid extra. Funerals happen during day time officers' shift, why would they get paid extra? It is just a part of their job. They are directing traffic. They don't get paid extra to direct traffic around an accident. The only extra money I am aware of comes from large city police who wear their uniforms in overnight stores and are paid as security. But they are off the clock from their department, and are paid by the store, not the force.