How well do jurisdictions get along?


Well-Known Member
I have heard that some in some states, police jurisdictions are closed lipped when it comes to information sharing with regard to crime. Some jurisdictions do not share information with each other very well and try to solve their crimes on their own. Is this how police work operates in your state or are officers more into information sharing with each other?
I have heard that some in some states, police jurisdictions are closed lipped when it comes to information sharing with regard to crime. Some jurisdictions do not share information with each other very well and try to solve their crimes on their own. Is this how police work operates in your state or are officers more into information sharing with each other?

I sometimes think that the clashing of jurisdictions is something made up on police dramas. I know that the nearest city of similar size to my hometown (in the next county over) do officer exchanges, so that that the locals don't know the cops going undercover. I think the two jurisdictions would have to get along pretty well to make such a collaboration. Different levels of authority might conflict, like FBI and local departments.