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  1. stevesxs9

    Why do people hate the police?

    I believe through the years, when people examine some of the questionable shootings and killings by Police, the one thing that is consistent would be the Police department does all the investigations. And that alone could bother or irritate people because it may be perceived that the Police...
  2. stevesxs9

    The last time you had any interaction with a police officer?

    We were going on a family trip, and one of the rentals had a flat on the bridge. The police came to direct traffic while we waited for roadside service. So we talked to the Officers about traffic violations and other problems that beset the Police department. If all Policemen were half as nice...
  3. stevesxs9

    Yo, Shimus Darkraven here.

    Hello and welcome to the community. I'm looking forward to hearing your discussions and interacting with other members on various topics, and the everyday operation of Law Enforcement. Once again, welcome aboard and enjoy.
  4. stevesxs9

    Man Arrested For Fondling Amish Girls

    Well that's one less pervert off the streets. The problem is he won't stay locked up as long as he should and instead of learning his lesson he will only become more bitter and feel the world owes him something for being incarcerated.
  5. stevesxs9

    Police Shows

    I also like Criminal Minds because the each member of the team has a special skill which helps in solving the different cases. I also like how professional they tackle a case, and the luxury of flying to different crime scenes in the company jet. And I also like CSI Miami.
  6. stevesxs9

    Hello :)

    Hello Owl! Glad to have you aboard. I hope you enjoy the various discussions here on the forum, and maybe share any experiences your Grandfather may have had as a law enforcement officer. Once again, welcome to the community and enjoy.
  7. stevesxs9

    Do you get paranoid walking past a cop?

    It's sort of hard for me to answer that question because you want to feel safe when you are around the police. But then you think of an instance where a man is shot to death while in handcuffs or someone is choked to death and that can sometimes give you an uneasy feeling.
  8. stevesxs9

    Hey! :)

    Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay and give your ideas and different experiences that you may have encountered, to add to an already great community.
  9. stevesxs9

    Have/would you offer an officer anything when pulled over?

    I think the best thing to do if you are pulled over is to wait to see what the officer has stopped you for. And then answer their questions or cooperate with them, and then if the officer asks you what you are eating or drinking, then that's the time to offer them.
  10. stevesxs9

    Family Outraged After North Miami Beach Police Use Mug Shots as Shooting Targets

    If this is true, you can see why the image and reputation of the police continues to be tarnished. The police already have such a tough and stressful job and do not need to give any reason for any group or race to hate them because their job is too important and meaningful than that.
  11. stevesxs9

    What are your favorite cop/criminal shows?

    My favorite cop/criminal show is criminal minds. But I also like the first 48, the FBI files, Dexter, the new detectives, cold case files, law and order, and CSI.
  12. stevesxs9

    Teacher Arrested For Having Sex With Teens While Out On Bail

    Obviously these people think what they're doing is right, and that's where the problem is. You're not able to look inside someone's head and tell if they're reliable or responsible. especially if they haven't had any prior problems of sexual misconduct of any kind. All you have to go on is their...
  13. stevesxs9

    Moron Takes Heroin To Court

    Yeah I agree he needs to be in rehab because you can see what its done to his life. But that's just the first step, and the hard part is to stay off drugs and try to get his life together.
  14. stevesxs9

    Disgusted with the News

    The situation with the news will only get much worst. I think the media will never take the blame they deserve. Criminals get a lot of their ideas from television shows and violence is ramped. The media mostly cares about ratings so whatever creates the most headlines, that's what you will see...
  15. stevesxs9

    Rainy Conditions

    I've been in bad conditions before where you couldn't see in front of you. So I pull to the side and other people come by going faster than the speed limit. This should be a concern for everyone when it comes to rain and slippery conditions.
  16. stevesxs9


    Hello and welcome to the community. I'm looking forward to hearing any knowledge you may want to share about law enforcement. Once again welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here.
  17. stevesxs9

    Speed limit

    I've had policemen tell me to travel with the flow or crowd and you'll usually be alright. They say when your faster than the flow, you will just about get pulled over every time. But I'm mostly behind the flow.
  18. stevesxs9

    What do you consider excessive force?

    As long as the police's life is not in danger, and the perpetrator is cooperating and surrendering without incident, then any physical force that has the possibility of harming the suspect, should be considered excessive in my opinion.
  19. stevesxs9

    Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

    I've always liked vanilla and strawberry ice cream as my favorites, but I also like many other flavors as well. I Also like a combination of flavors in a banana split.
  20. stevesxs9

    What is your favourite city in the World?

    For a city that I have not visited before, I'll have to say Paris simply because of the rave reviews it receives. Would love to visit that city some day soon.