The last time you had any interaction with a police officer?


Well-Known Member
I have not talked to a police officer pertaining to anything about me personally in several years. I believe 2011 would have been the last time it was personal. There was someone that would not stop harassing my phone, and I finally grew tired of it, and phoned the police. In the end, I was told that I was also involved, since I was arguing with him, and if either of us called them again, we were both going to jail. I sort of grew weary of police in this area after that.
A jerk totaled my Mustang GT and the officers arrested the drug induced man. The officers were quite sympathetic and professional. I really hate when people make derogatory statements against officers.
Last time I spoke with the police was when the FBI sent them to arrest me because my immigration finger prints spat out a false positive that was not double checked by a technician. I wasn't arrested, wasn't even taken into custody. Just had my finger prints retaken and was granted a visa extension while they retested them. It was pretty clear that I wasn't the person they were looking for.
Around six months ago, I found a small baggie of acid tabs in the street. I took them to the police station. The desk sargeant asked where I'd found them etc, said thanks and I went on my way. I got a thank-you letter from the department a couple of days later.
I do not remember the last time I had an interaction with the police officers. I am sure that the people can find it really troublesome some time to interact with police officers. It can turn out to be bad sometimes.
Last year, I went to the police station because I wanted to ask a question. My neighbor had been disturbing me and I wanted to know the way forward. I am a single woman and I could not believe my ears when the police officer asked me if I was interested in my neighbor’s husband. I left as quickly as I could.
A local police officer held the door for me at the gas station the other day when I had my hands full. Before that it was at a armed intruder drill during a safety warden meeting at work.
I think the lady who checks for parking are not truly cops where I live. If they count, they would be the last ones I interacted with, as our car stood in an illegal place, but we had battery problems so she let us be.
The last "real" cop I talked to was in Cologne, a very nice guy who was pretty attractive and helpful. But he wasn't on duty.
The night before was the last time I was asked specific questions by the police after a violent fight, and then I asked questions to a police station guy.
Not too pleasant. But the next-day-not-on-duty cop made up for it in a way. It was a bad night, but when I think of him I can smile about something.
It's been a while since I had a talk with a police officer. The last time I did they were seeking information. Someone had committed a crime and had gone into hiding. They cops didn't know exactly where to find him so since I was that person's neighbor they tried to question me to reveal his whereabouts. That was five years ago.
I have not talked to a police officer pertaining to anything about me personally in several years. I believe 2011 would have been the last time it was personal. There was someone that would not stop harassing my phone, and I finally grew tired of it, and phoned the police. In the end, I was told that I was also involved, since I was arguing with him, and if either of us called them again, we were both going to jail. I sort of grew weary of police in this area after that.
That is was you who was at the receiving end of all his hassle.This is like a car ramming in to a pedestrian and saying its also the fault of the pedestrian because he was walking in there.Too crazy this is.
I do not think I have had an interaction with the police officer that much. I think it can be really great If you have never come across any of the police officers. I do believe it is best to be in good cards of police officers.
We were going on a family trip, and one of the rentals had a flat on the bridge. The police came to direct traffic while we waited for roadside service. So we talked to the Officers about traffic violations and other problems that beset the Police department. If all Policemen were half as nice and courteous as those two were, then there would hardly be any kind of complaint against them.
I just had one two days ago. I was driving with my mom and 3 kids threw a rock at our car. It shattered the glass in our rear window and we were trying to file a report with insurance. So frustrating, but I was glad that the police took the time to make sure this didn't happen to anyone else. Those kids! Ugh! Still fuming!
Thank the heavens that it's been a while. I think the last time that I had an encounter with the police was about a year ago. I was stopped for jaywalking (of all things) and I got a ticket for it as well. I didn't make any sense me and it still doesn't.
I think interacting with police In a polite manner is always better than speaking rudely or with lots and lots of attitude . A lot if people fall in trouble because they misbehave or speak rudely.
Just last week I thought I going to have to talk with law officer. The people down below our house has a dog. Which we do too. Normally the two dogs get along, but this day they didn't. My husband walked out the house door the dog that belongs to people next to us. Ran up to my husband well our dog which is bulldog/bird-dog mix intercepted him. Our dog is bigger, and he was tossing other dog around like a toy. The two dogs are white. By the time I got in yard I saw both dogs covered in blood. We finally got them apart the dog ran home. We chained ours up. My husband was certain the other dog would soon be dead. Then I see police car ride down to their house. I waited for them to come to ours, but it never happened thank god.
Last time I talked with a police officer, he was pissed at me for punching my (asshole) friend while on a train. Now, in my defense, my friend was pissed, I had a wet tissue, which I touched him with on the face (because he was burning red), he quickly took the tissue and STUFFED IT IN MY MOUTH. I got pissed and threw a punch in his direction. He started crying like a wuss, and the police officer noticed that. After telling him the whole story, the police officer, my friend and I just laughed it off.
I have never really had much interaction with the law. There has been a couple of times I have had hassle with police officers over instances that had nothing to do with me. The last time I have come into contact with one was for a speeding ticket that occurred roughly 3 months ago.
About six months ago when a person or persons the police were in pursuit of on foot ran through my back yard and supposedly threw a bag with a lot of weed and a gun in the yard as they jumped the fence.
Last time I talked to a cop it was because he was pulled over and chatting with someone I knew so I walked up to be a bit nosy and just say hi to my friend. They were talking about their summer camping trips they go on. Now for personal, when I talked to a cop a bit ago my neighbor had his window busted out and he just gave me the normal questions they'd give anyone else "see anyone unusual" "notice anything funny?" you know the rest.

I generally just try to be helpful and polite when they stop because I know they have a much busier day than little old me.