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  1. stevesxs9

    Hi everyone

    Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Its always fun to have a new and different opinion on the Police department and Law Enforcement in general. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  2. stevesxs9

    Hello everyone!

    Hello Dyan! Welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy your stay here and I'm looking forward to hearing your views on the various discussions about Law Enforcement.Once again hello and enjoy yourself.
  3. stevesxs9

    What is the first thing that you do when you wake up?

    I take a bath and the turn on the television to see what has happened overnight then have nice big breakfast before starting a long day.
  4. stevesxs9

    Fearing Retribution

    I have know lots of people in other occupations who were fearful of losing their jobs if they offended someone higher up. But to me whenever a Policeman makes a legitimate arrest by the book, they have nothing to feel ashamed about. And if that costs them their jobs then they didn't have one in...
  5. stevesxs9

    Do You Ever Regret . . .

    I use to be intrigued with Police work and activity when I was younger. But through the years the glamor wore off because of corruption, racism, profiling, brutality and other accusations against the Police. Some which were found to be true sort of changed my mind on that. I still appreciate the...
  6. stevesxs9

    Retired Police Officer Murders Daughters, Self

    I know others will probably take a different view on this, but I just don't understand why people have to commit murder before they take their own life. If it gets to the point where nothing else matters and life is unbearable then just take your own life and leave everyone else alone. Because...
  7. stevesxs9

    Police asking you questions that are irrelevant?

    I believe most people who are pulled over by the Police already feel its an inconvenience for them, so mostly all questions that are asked will be met with resistance. Unfortunately this is part of their job.
  8. stevesxs9

    Police: Woman stabs herself, lies about being sexually assaulted

    Anyone willing to do great harm to themselves, definitely needs psychiatric help because of what she is capable of doing to herself as well as others. Since rape is one the worst crimes that can be committed,then its imperative to make sure the liars are caught and dealt with.
  9. stevesxs9

    What's your favorite vacation destination?

    I would love to take a vacation to France to see some of the fantastic attractions such as the Palace of Versailles, St Tropez, The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame De Paris, French Riviera, Champs-Elysees, and the Louvre. That would be a very good vacation.
  10. stevesxs9

    Community Policing

    Community policing is a great concept for communities who have good relationship with the police. But when a community and the police do not see eye to eye, this usually means that community really don't have much faith in the police and treats them like they are the criminals.
  11. stevesxs9

    Police union to state lawmakers: Don't mess with no-knock warrants

    I understand the Police argument in this and I sympathize with them, but I'm more concerned with innocent citizens who are put through terror situations with no rights and no say so in the matter. I want the Police to be able to do their jobs unimpeded, but not at the expense of innocent people.
  12. stevesxs9

    11 Year Old Girl Murders Baby

    The 11 yr old definitely has some major problems. But how do you punish her? You can't let her get away with it but neither can you put her on death row. This is a very sad but sensitive situation. One in which there is no right answer.
  13. stevesxs9

    In any circumstance can you defend yourself against police brutality?

    I don't think there is too much success in winning that case. Remember there has been many instances where Police have been caught on tape beating up suspects and the jury still finds them innocent of any wrong doing. So if you fight back, you automatically put yourself in harms way and lose...
  14. stevesxs9

    Police Officer Who Injured Indian Grandfather Arrested

    I think its safe to say, nothing surprises me about what goes on anymore. It's almost like you have to expect the worst but hope for the best. I don't expect the overall situation will get any better.
  15. stevesxs9

    Do You Trust Your Local Law Enforcement?

    Most of the local law enforcement are alright. I've never had any complaints so far. It's just that small percentage of those who become corrupt and break the laws they are sworn to uphold, that causes the problems.
  16. stevesxs9

    Are police shows like "Cops" authentic?

    I believe the cases are real however legally the show has to be scripted like so many others to avoid lawsuits. Whenever you have cameramen following and filming a show, its going to mean some segments are likely deleted to ensure the show is within the guidelines.
  17. stevesxs9

    Greetings from a programmer!

    Hello and welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy the site and bring new insight in the discussions of Police work and the events in society in general. Once again, welcome and have fun.
  18. stevesxs9

    Police Taser Musician For ‘Playing Tambourine Too Loudly’

    Only if the confrontation puts the Police in harms way. And if they've used every other non-violent method they have. If she had been asked not to ply the tambourine so loud then she should want to comply with that instead of possibly starting trouble.
  19. stevesxs9

    Police gathered at a private house for the Superbowl while on duty

    Just about everything a Police officer does is under scrutiny. So why give people negative ammunition to use against you while your suppose to be on duty. There maybe certain jobs you could get away with it and nothing be said, but being a Police is not one of them.
  20. stevesxs9

    Hello from Poland.

    Hello Elizabeth and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you aboard and I'm looking forward to hearing your discussions about Police work and the problems they face each day.