Police gathered at a private house for the Superbowl while on duty


Well-Known Member
This wasn't something that happened recent. It was about five years ago. I was driving down a neighborhood road close to where I lived, and I saw three police cruisers parked in the drive and on the street. It was Super bowl Sunday. It was pretty hard for me to believe that there were that many cars there, without an emergency. If there had been one, police would have also been outside, lights would have been on, and other emergency responders would have been there. The officers were inside watching the game. I have no doubt at all. In my somewhat small town, there are only about three cruisers patrolling at once, so during this time, NO ONE was patrolling. What do you think of this?
During a major sports game, while you where at work, you never snuck peaks at the TV ? The cops have radios, if an incident happened while there are there, then they could be called. Providing the cops where not drinking there, it isn't that big of an issue. If stuff is happening like that everyday it is a problem. Once in a while, cut them some slack.
During a major sports game, while you where at work, you never snuck peaks at the TV ? The cops have radios, if an incident happened while there are there, then they could be called. Providing the cops where not drinking there, it isn't that big of an issue. If stuff is happening like that everyday it is a problem. Once in a while, cut them some slack.

That is not what they are paid for. And how would their radio even tell them something was happening if no one was patrolling to make sure that nothing was happening? Sure, if there was a call, it could get transmitted to them, but police work is about more than just going out to check calls. Relying on calls to go out and do any kind of work also has the stupid consequence of, many times, they'd be there too late, after something happened, rather than helping people not be victims of some crime.

And to OP, some of my friends who lived in villages had similar "sneaking off" stories of cop, notably this one who would drive every day home and just stay home, as you could see when you were his neighbor...!
During a major sports game, while you where at work, you never snuck peaks at the TV ? The cops have radios, if an incident happened while there are there, then they could be called. Providing the cops where not drinking there, it isn't that big of an issue. If stuff is happening like that everyday it is a problem. Once in a while, cut them some slack.

I am sorry, but that is ridiculous. They are not paid to watch a football game or enjoy other hobbies. They are not firemen, who do wait for calls, they have to go out and find trouble. That is what the nature of their job is. I don't think that you would be so understanding if you or someone you loved had got hurt and you later found out all of the patrolling police were at a Super bowl party!
I can't really see the harm in it but it's not really right is it? It would be another matter if they had a small portable television set at the station to watch the game on, but to all meet up somewhere off the premises is not what they receive public money for.
I believe they should be allowed to wear earbuds in one ear to listen to a radio on an mp3 player or smartphone. They could still be on patrol, and should still be on patrol - those major events are the times when some businesses are most vulnerable. But they're humans too, and they love sports as much as the next guy. One ear bud is harmless. Of course, you'd need to pull it out and put it in as drama and issues arose, but it's fair I believe.
Okay there are a number of things you are assuming that you probably shouldn't. First, its possible the cops were OFF duty. Some jurisdictions allow police to take the patrol car home with them. Even if they were on duty, just because they had a patrol car doesn't mean they were patrol officers. My Aunt was a detective and was issued a patrol car. When she was on duty but didn't have a call she was allowed to visit friends and family until she was called. I can remember a few times that there were 4-5 cop cars in front of our house (My aunts, her partners, 2-3 other cops) and they weren't responding to a call.
I think it is great to have a get together of police but not during the office hours. I believe this should never happen as they are supposed to do their duty and their job.
I remember there was a time someone [who happened to be a cop] had been murdered close to where I lived. A curfew had been imposed. That was in 2010 or thereabouts. The world cup was on and . . . I saw cops who were supposed to be patrolling the streets gathered somewhere watching a match. Considering the level of insecurity [in the neighborhood] at that time, they shouldn't have been there watching the match. It's "gross irresponsibility."
Well, this is tough to judge given the small amount of information you have on the matter. It seems like you have a general disdain for the police in your neighbourhood. I'm curious why you didn't go there & ask them if anyone was on patrol? Posting it here doesn't solve the issue in your personal area. I think it would serve you & the community to speak directly to these officers.
The police should never do something so irresponsible. I believe it can be totally sad when they do stuff like this and something unfortunate happens.
Just about everything a Police officer does is under scrutiny. So why give people negative ammunition to use against you while your suppose to be on duty. There maybe certain jobs you could get away with it and nothing be said, but being a Police is not one of them.
I don't think confronting officers, on or off duty, would have done any favors. I personally would have pulled out a phone, recorded (more than just the cars, I would have tried to at least get more information somehow), and allowed the video to go viral. I know this sounds harsh and detrimental, but at the same time if they were in fact on duty and being so negligent of their job to patrol, then yes- their crime needed to have light shed with evidence.

On the other hand, they very well could have been off duty. Even so, confronting officers about their "personal business" I would think could cause harassment issues for the person asking the questions. After all, judges tend to favor with officers, and not all officers are understanding to people who question their actions. More like a darned if you do and darned if you don't situation.

Honestly though, I wouldn't be surprised if you were right. I am in no way saying all Police Departments are full of these types of officers, but some do have the few "buddies" who find ways to "cover each other" so they can be negligent to their job. I am not saying they couldn't enjoy the game but lets face it: People everywhere have to work during big games. Does the whole department get to take a break together to watch while their bosses pay for machines/cash registers not running?

As someone has already mentioned, there is lacking needed information to know for sure what the exact situation was.
I do not think it is right of police to play around during their duty time. I am not really sure it is for the best of the people and their own duty.
The OP is basing it on speculation, they could have just finished work and got over to a friends house to watch the game. I doubt anyone would be so silly as to do it as obviously when they were on duty. As some one said some officers take the cars home with them too and in small towns, some officers have to be on call. I think it's unfair to assume what they were doing when there is no evidence, but in the station most were probably watching the game, so is that wrong?
So they just went ahead and took a break to see the superbowl eh? They are humans too right loool, but all those cars parked there didn't allow them to do it unnoticed... :)
I don't think it's right at all to be doing that. It's like they're on a long lunch break. They're not paid for that. I don't think many jobs would allow that kind of behavior.
During these events like the Superbowl, I think crime rate is pretty low, though that's only based on my personal opinion. However, I don't think that police officers should just neglect their job like that.