Hi everyone

Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Its always fun to have a new and different opinion on the Police department and Law Enforcement in general. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Warm greets from India.Glad to have you in here.
Its good to know you are willing to contribute rather than just learn.Good for you and happy to.You surely will be a great asset,for sure.have fun in here.Do lemme know if i can be of any help.
Welcome Thegray1 This place is cool, not only do you get to post on some interesting topics but there is a wealth of knowledge here if you sift through it all. The people are very nice and it seems that there is always something new to post about.

I hope to learn from you as well friend. :)
Welcome Thegray1 This place is cool, not only do you get to post on some interesting topics but there is a wealth of knowledge here if you sift through it all. The people are very nice and it seems that there is always something new to post about.

I hope to learn from you as well friend. Hi yourself. Yes I am seeing that. I already love this forum!