Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?


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Hollywood always makes fun of the smart kids in school and portrays them to be unfashionable and weird. When i was a kid i was pretty smart and i always wanted to be the cool kid but looking back i'd rather be the smartest kid in school.
I would rather be smart, earn a lot of money later in life. But being popular also does have its benefits.
Smart. Hands down. That's the way it was when I was in high school and even though I got picked on, now that I'm 34, I feel that I had a head start in life. I will say that in my last year of high school I went through a rebellious phase that set me back.
Smart, even though being popular would mean that you are known by a lot of students. That you could potentially come across in the near future, and be helped out of a tight spot. However, you can have that leisure at the expense of being smart. Being smart isn't limited to just educational knowledge, you can also be sociably smart. If that's the case, then being smart will also make you popular. Since you know very well how the social system works, you can use it to your best intentions.
High school popularity is just that: high school popularity. It means absolutely nothing the moment you're out of high school. Knowledge, however, sticks with you for life.
I would rather be the smartest compared to the coolest kid in school, coolness is just temporary and can not take you amywhere, yet smartness is permanent and gets you more achievements.
be popular for what 4 years ? and then end up as some walmart greeter lol.
I'd take intelligence any day.
Smart..then you automatically become popular,but it can't happen in the vice versa.I am called a nerd,but i really don't consider myself one.I have seen way weirder guys..but yes i love being smart,and it calls for attention.
Smart..then you automatically become popular,but it can't happen in the vice versa.I am called a nerd,but i really don't consider myself one.I have seen way weirder guys..but yes i love being smart,and it calls for attention.

Well, I'm in the same situation as you. People call me a nerd, but I'll see who's laughing in 10 years, when I have a high paying job and they do not. :S
be popular for what 4 years ? and then end up as some walmart greeter lol.
I'd take intelligence any day.

So true... I've seen some high school friends who were really, really popular turn into people who work at these dead grocery stores, struggling to live with no graduation or whatsoever.
I was a mix of both, so neither, really. I have a natural affinity for these things, but I suppose being the smartest kid would imply that you have knowledge to such a degree that you could finish with a perfect score, and that brings in a lot of benefits.
I'd rather be smart than popular. Popularity has a way of dwindling away when you don't do or say what people want to hear. Whereas your intelligence will be with you through the years.
Smartest. Very few of the popular kids I went to school with have good jobs. You seen to always run into the prom king working at a gas station and the prom queen will be waiting tables. With an education you have that extra step up. Looks and being well liked will only take you so far in life.
I'd rather be smart and skilled, have both qualities. When I was in school was very shy and unpopular, that was a problem for my.
You live your life to the fullest by being more popular, but you will be living your life to the fullest when you're the smartest. I'm mixed between both.
Smart. Popular kids are usually those who don't succeed being smart and having good grades so they find another way to feel good, by being popular, "gettin' all them girls" and mocking the "nerds".
Popularity in highschool is short-lived and doesn't benefit you later on in life, being smart will take you places, but there's something to be said for both, I'm sure people that weren't very popular in school would think much differently if the roles were reversed and they were popular, but, hopefully those that didn't do well in school feel being popular was worth it.
I think being popular at school is great - if you know how to leverage it properly. But it doesn't last and help you into adulthood. You're better off being smarter, this will pay off big time later in life. But kids don't want to hear this from an experienced person.
Smart. People fail to realize that smart people not only do well in life and school but also around people. Smart people know how to use people for what they want and make friends. It is the truth, even though some may find it cruel, it's a rule of life. Nobody goes in a friendship with someone who has nothing to offer for them.